Elements-of-poetry诗的要素 ElementsofPoetry 第1页,共31页。Whatispoetry?❖Poetryistheartisticexpressionofthehumanthoughtsandfeelingsinrhythmical,andemotionallanguage.❖Comparedwithprose,itlaysmorestressonrhythm,imagery,emotion,andimagination.Asitslanguageisrhythmical,itssoundishighlymusical.Wemaysay,“Norhythm...
in a dignified formal style on some lofty or serious subject. • Odes are often written for a special occasion, to non or a person or a season or to commemorate(纪念) an event. The famous odes are Percy Bysshe Shelley’s’ ―Ode to the west wind‖ ...
An occasional poetry is written on a specific occasion. This form of poetry falls under lyric poetry as it is meant for a performance, accompanied by instruments. Epithalamion by Edmund Spenser, Lycidas by Milton are two of the most renowned occasional lyric poetry. Example of an Occasional P...
Apoemwritten to commemorate a specific occasion or event, such as a birthday, wedding, funeral, anniversary, graduation, military victory, etc. Onomatopoeia A word whose sound is similar to the thing or action it refers to, such as “buzz” or “hiss.” SeeHow to Write an Onomatopoeia Poem...
On the one hand, it is written: you must love . . . but on the other hand, it is said: do not spoil . . . Perhaps it is better not to love after all? But it says: you must love. But if you do love, you will spoil. What to do? Perhaps go ahead and love but in some...
The occasion of “World Poetry Day” also honors poets and brings back the old traditions of reciting poems, specific to a culture. It also encourages reading and writing of poetry and inspires its amalgamation with other art forms like – dance, music, theatre etc. ...
“Family week at Oracle Ranch” is a portrait of dysfunction. It’s a poem written later in Merrill’s life, appearing in his final book, A Scattering of Salts, published by Knopf in 1995, the same year that Merrill died (February 6, 1995).… continue reading...No...
On occasion, we accept previously published work. Please give the name and date of the previous publication; make sure you have ownership of the work. The cover is always art by a disabled child. To submit to the magazine, ask for a free issue, or to subscribe, click onPentimento Magazi...
still mustered a poem without coherence. With his buck teeth he looked a beaver, for me was a teen, had break out all over. Between us lay a dead shrimp martyred especially for the occasion . In the end we left the dead fish in the bin ...
SOME SPECIFIC THOUGHTS ON RENDERING ANCIENT CHINESE POETRY INTO ENGLISH METRICAL VERSE—Two Tdaung Poems Translated by Herbert A. Giles and Witter Bynner C... Of late Ⅰhave had the occasion to read in a current journal the English translation of two celebrated Chinese Tdaung poems made by Gil...