I am on the latest Poetry version. I have searched the issues of this repo and believe that this is not a duplicate. If an exception occurs when executing a command, I executed it again in debug mode (-vvv option). OS version and name: C...
通过poetry export 生成requirements.txt,然后使用 pip install 安装完所有的依赖包,然后再用poetry install 检查包依赖关系。 poetry export -f requirements.txt > requirements.txt python -m pip install -r requirements.txt poetry install 参考链接 [1]Poetry is extremely slow when resolving the dependencies ...
Trying python3 Trying python3.10 Using python3.10 (3.10.2) Creating virtualenv poetry-test-iQ9fdmEn-py3.10 in /home/redacted/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs Using virtualenv: /home/redacted/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/poetry-test-iQ9fdmEn-py3.10 Updating dependencies Resolving dependencies... 1: fact...
I am on the latest Poetry version. I have searched the issues of this repo and believe that this is not a duplicate. If an exception occurs when executing a command, I executed it again in debug mode (-vvv option). OS version and name: U...
clear all cache by running (seePoetry is extremely slow when resolving the dependencies#2094 (comment)) AJDERSmentioned this issueOct 24, 2022 lucasrodesmentioned this issueDec 22, 2022 4 tasks My advice would be to try one of those (maybe in that order) if you have not yet: ...
Fixed an error on Python 3.5 when resolving URL dependencies (#2954). Fixed the dependency option of the init command being ignored (#2587). Fixed the show command displaying erroneous information following the changes in the lock file format (#2967). Fixed dependency resolution errors due to ...
Fixed performance issues when resolving dependencies. (#3839) Fixed an issue where transitive dependencies of directory or VCS dependencies were not installed or otherwise removed. (#4202) Fixed the behavior of the init command in non-interactive mode. (#2899) Fixed the detection of the system ...
Fixed an error on Python 3.5 when resolving URL dependencies (#2954). Fixed the dependency option of the init command being ignored (#2587). Fixed the show command displaying erroneous information following the changes in the lock file format (#2967). Fixed dependency resolution errors due to ...
Poetry needs to inevitably download some packages(either in sdist or in wheel format) to inspect the dependencies during the dependency resolving phase. However, due to some reasons, downloading from the official PyPI website is quite slow in my local environment....
Updating dependencies Resolving dependencies... (326.0s) SolverProblemError Because torchvision (0.10.0+cu111) depends on torch (1.9.0) and depends on torch (1.9.0+cu111), torchvision is forbidden. So, because depends on torchvision (0.10.0+cu111), version solving failed. ...