The Poetry of Robert Frost豆瓣评分:9.1 简介:This is the only comprehensive volume of Robert Frost's published verse; in it are the contents of all eleven of his individual books of poetry-from "A Boy's Will" (1913) to" In the Clearing" (1962).
American literature Reading Nation and the Poetry of Robert Frost STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT STONY BROOK Susan Scheckel SovakAnthony TheodoreRobert Frost once said, I want to be a poet for all sorts and kinds Such an aim reflects, in part, Frost's embrace of Emerson's view of the ...
One could do worse than be a swinger of birches.白桦树曹明伦 译每当我看见白桦树或左或右的弯下与一排排较直且较黑的树木相交,我都会想到有位男孩儿在摇荡它们。但摇荡不会像冰暴那样使白桦树久久弯曲。在晴朗的冬日早晨,在一场雨后,你肯定看见过他们被冰凌压弯。当晨风开始吹拂时,当风力使他们表面的珐琅...
The country wisdom of our New England poet, Robert Frost. Illustrated with pictures from a small hobby farm in New England that still uses Antique John Deere tractors.
所属专辑:Poetry of Robert Frost 喜欢下载分享 声音简介Age saw two quiet childrenGo loving by at twilight,He knew not whether homeward,Or outward from the village,Or (chimes were ringing) churchward,He waited, (they were strangers)Till they were out of hearingTo bid them both be happy.'Be ...
Poetry for Young People: Robert Frost (机器翻译:诗年轻人:罗伯特·弗罗斯特) 作者:Gary D.Schmidt 出版社:Sterling Publishing ISBN(13位):9780806906331 语种:英语 开本:16 页数:48 市场价:¥ 170.0 装帧成色申东价活动价库存 精装 九成新¥ 34.00¥ 29.920有货通知...
当当中图上海进口图书旗舰店在线销售正版《预售 英文预定 The Poetry of Robert Frost The Collected Poems, Complete and Unabridged》。最新《预售 英文预定 The Poetry of Robert Frost The Collected Poems, Complete and Unabridged》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等
The poetry of Robert Frost obliquely tells us about the human predicament. It tells us about human being in the grip of alienation, despair and disillusionment. Robert Frost got the best honors from his own people but these honors could not change his outlook which had already been formed. Fr...
Poetry is what gets lostin translation(“诗意即翻译过程中失去的东西”)这句话很有名,一般认为是美国诗人罗伯特弗罗斯特(Robert Frost,March 26, 1874 – January 29, 1963)所说,几乎所有谈论诗的定义的文章都会引用这句话,很多学者、读者都有共鸣。自己也写过一篇“判断诗与非诗的另类标准”...