Its all about love poetry in urdu, heart broken poetry in urdu, heart touching poetry in urdu,attitude poetry in urdu web series and yaad poetry.
Happy Shayari In English Duniya Matlabi Hai Shayari Ziddi Hun Palat Aata Hun Teri Gali Men Khamoshi Status In Hindi Beti Papa Quotes In Hindi Yaad Shayari 2 Lines Urdu Khushi Status In Hindi Dushmani Status In Hindi Bhoolna Tha To Ye Iqraar Kiya He Kyon Tha Rajput Attitude Status In Hindi...
(Urdu) Meter or line length of the sher (couplet of the Ghazal). There are 19 types of beher but the most common are short, medium and long. Belarus Verse Forms Verse forms from Belarus. binary meter Metric Pattern. A metric measure that has two syllables per foot, as in iambic,...
Aruba’i, from theArabic four,isashort poem in quatrain form(German:Vierzeiler)pioneered in medievalIranandcommon in Persian, Arabic and Urdu. In comparison to the more complexghazal(typicallyalovepoem),qasida (an elegy or ode), mathnawi (human or divineromance), the ruba’iischaracterised by...