Kids Definition poetry noun po·et·ryˈpō-ə-trē -i-trē 1 a :writing usually with a rhythm that repeats:verse b :the productions of a poet:poems 2 :writing chosen and arranged to create a certain emotional response through meaning, sound, and rhythm ...
诗歌的创作只有通过奇迹才能完成。它不是可恢复的思想,而是从更广阔的后退思想中捕捉到的色彩。一首诗是一个未分割的、不受阻碍的表达,成熟后落入文学中,它是未分割地、不受阻碍地被那些为它成熟的人接受。 Poetry — meaning the aggregate of instances from which the idea of poetry is deduced by every ...
In the world of visual media, motion graphics and compositing can be readily thought of as the video equivalent of poetry. Motion graphics is to poetry what video editing is to prose. Both construct meaning, tell a story or convey information. But where edit...
Poetry(from the Latin poeta, a poet) is a form of literary art in which language is used for its aesthetic and evocative qualities in addition to, or in lieu of, its apparent meaning. Poetry may be written independently, as discrete poems, or may occur in conjunction with other arts, as...
writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning, sound, and rhythm something likened to poetry especially in beauty of expression
A poet’s pleasure is to withhold a little of his meaning, to intensify by mystification —E. B. White Like science, poetry must fix its thought in thing and symbol —Dilys Laing Like a piece of ice on a hot stove the poem must ride on its own melting —Robert Frost Like marijuana ...
poetry meaning, definition, what is poetry: poems in general, or the art of writing ...: Learn more.
The meaning of POETRY READING is an event in which people read poems that they have written aloud for a group.
So the poet must write carefully and reflectively in order to find words that not only fulfills the demands of meter and rhyme, but also expresses the meaning in a manner that complements the imagery and tone of the rest of the poem. This careful use of language is the most significant ...