“Dear Dewey Decimal System, / How will I organize all the bodies? / The professor said that in judging / women’s bodies by their covers / we have a system for returning / things back to where they belong.” Library of Small Catastrophes secures Rollins’ place alongside a long lineage...
I was every position in a library: children’s librarian; cataloger; reference librarian; genealogist; museum librarian; adult librarian; branch head in large library system; library director dealing with board members that were control freaks; law librarian clerking for a federal judge; and state...
she stands—a prophet inside the machine. Everything she said has come true, her voice a warning wrapped in ones and zeroes, her words echoing with the clarity of foresight.
Introduce students to the connection between speaking and their respiratory system. Here’s a kid-friendly website to refer to:https://kidshealth.org/en/kids/lungs.html. Then, have them see how many words they can say in a breath when they whisper, say it regularly, and shout it. Have ...