在Intellij 中:New -> Project From Existing Sources Select the 2_0 directory that Poetry created Create project from existing sources Project name: accept default. Next Source files for your project have been found. ... Accept default. Next Please select project sdk: ...
cache-dir = "/Users/liguodong/Library/Caches/pypoetry" experimental.new-installer = **true** installer.parallel = **true** virtualenvs.create = **true** virtualenvs.in-project = **null** virtualenvs.path = "{cache-dir}/virtualenvs" # /Users/liguodong/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenv...
solver.lazy-wheel = true virtualenvs.create = true virtualenvs.in-project = null virtualenvs.options.always-copy = false virtualenvs.options.no-pip = false virtualenvs.options.no-setuptools = false virtualenvs.options.system-site-packages = false virtualenvs.path = "{cache-dir}\\virtualenvs" ...
首先可以修改配置将虚拟环境建立到当前项目文件夹 $ poetry config virtualenvs.in-projecttrue 如果不修改的话,poetry默认会将虚拟环境统一建立在cache-dir的virtualenvs目录下,默认命名方式为{project_name}-py{python_version}. 建立虚拟环境 $ poetryenvuse python3 Creating virtualenv testin/Users/wender/test/.ve...
当参数 virtualenvs.create 为 true 时,执行 poetry install 或 poetry add 时会检测当前项目是否有虚拟环境,没有就自动创建,默认为 true。 当参数 virtualenvs.in-project 为 true 时,虚拟环境的依赖将会放置于项目的文件夹内,而不是 poetry 默认的 {cache-dir}/virtualenvs,默认为 false。
virtualenvs.create=true# 默认值为false,设置为true的话,会在当前项目目录下创建虚拟环境 virtualenvs.in-project =false# 虚拟环境的路径,默认路径 {cache-dir}\virtualenvs virtualenvs.path="{cache-dir}/virtualenvs"# /home/so1n/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs ...
In Aug I published Hans’ new haiku book; in Oct I will publish Here and Now, Discover Mississauga and More eBook! And Now I am thrilled for Canadian Council For the Arts awarding me a Create and Explore grant! In Sept, I will start the new project, I am very excited to learn and...
This plugin supports poetry which is a package manager for Python. Help. See documentation for more details. This project is currently in an experimental phase. Features. Implemented. add a new/existing poetry environment as a interpreter. install packag
poetry config virtualenvs.create false --local 配置项: cache-dir缓存目录 installer.parallel并行安装 virtualenvs.create如果不存在,则新建一个虚拟环境 virtualenvs.in-project在项目根目录创建虚拟环境 virtualenvs.path虚拟环境路径 virtualenvs.options.always-copy复制源文件还是创建链接到虚拟环境 ...
Project dependencies are recorded in thepyproject.tomlfile that specifies required packages, scripts, plugins, and URLs. See thepyprojectreference for more information about its structure and format. To use Poetry in PyCharm, you need toinstall it on your machineand create a specific Python environm...