7th Graders Find Themselves, Make Sense of World through PoetryMAPLEWOOD * They sat in metal chairs in the basement of The BookHouse Sunday waiting for their...Crouch, Elisa
Today was the first day of the English Workshop at Al Bashaer High School in Sakhnin, Israel. There were four classes of 7th, 8th, and 9th graders. The classes only last for 45 minutes and that seems too short The time went by quickly. We barely got started talking about Emily Dickins...
The study was carried out in two classrooms in a Finnish Language and Literature course and conducted in spring 2017 for one week. Two teachers collaborated in planning the three separate 45-min lessons, in which the 7th graders wrote poems in Finnish using the Poetry Machine with laptop comput...
Because I only had the students for 50 minutes a day, adding something else to an already packed curriculum seemed overwhelming. I asked the students to work on their Heart Books during transition times – a day or two before or after a holiday or vacation, the last day of the week befor...