The roving Norsemen of the tenth century, very few of whom had as yet accepted Christianity, were nevertheless in close contact with Celtic races which had already been converted, and in many ways the Celtic influence was strongly felt. It seems likely, then, that the Voluspo was the work...
‘the mighty rivers, spewing venom" to describe the waters Thor must wade through on his way to the giant Geirrod’s. The expressionfnæstu eitri"snorted/spewed poison" invokes the image of a spitting serpent. In this context, the serpent can only be Jörmungandr, the Midgard serpent, ...
Things will always break, and that will be expressed in these unique ways. Why be more than it really is?When I played Off-Peak for the first time, I was REALLY into it. I talked to everyone. I followed every and all dialogue ...