James Charlesworth writes: "Philo the Epic Poet was a Jew who wrote in the second century B.C., probably in the second quarter (cf. Y. Gutman, 'Philo the Epic Poet,' Scripta Hierosolymitana 1 [1954] 36-63; E. Lohse, no. 1183a; R. Laqueur in Pauly-Wissowa n.B. 20.1 [1941]...
William Blake on his poetry and painting : a study of A descriptive catalogue, other prose writings, and Jerusalem Blake was not only a poet, but also a prolific commentator on both his own art and art in general. This is the first text to discuss all of the writings except the annotati...
A deeper chord is struck in Die Mitschuldigen (The Fellow Sinners), which forms a dismal and forbidding picture both of the time and of the experiences of the youth who wrote it. The daughter of an innkeeper has made an unhappy marriage, and is visited by a former lover who is in go...
GoethehearJerusalemtocommitsuicide,asifsuddenlysee flashingalightintheeyes,andimmediatelyhetook"the sorrowsofyoungwerther,"acompendiumofidea,herecalls, "thebookletasiswrittenintheunconscious."Andwhenthe prince"mathematical"gaussiansolvestheproblemsofa troubledhimformanyyears(gaussianandsymbol)wrotealetter ...
Writing in French and English, she published two-dozen novels and poetry collections that often referenced Rimbaud, Che Guevara, Native Americans, and the Jebusite inhabitants of ancient Jerusalem, among others, as cited by the Washington Post. She is perhaps best known for her novel “Sitt ...
One might question whether Blake is using the word science here in its modern sense; perhaps he intends it as a synonym for a more general concept of “wisdom.” But if one turns to a comparable moment in Blake’s poetry — the conclusion of his other great work,Jerusalem— one finds ...
and irradiate the gloom of the dungeon. Such was the world of pomp and pageant that lived round Tasso in his dismal cell at Ferrara, when he conceived the splendid scenes of his Jerusalem; and we may consider The King's Quair, composed by James during his captivity at Windsor, as another...
Consider, for instance the dazzling diversity between Junipero Serra, who poured energies into building a string of California mission churches, and Thomas Merton, who wrote of the same building: “The church was stifling with solemn, feudal and unbreathable fictions. … The spring outside seemed...
There’s a jar of gefilte fish (Hungarian-style) in the cupboard waiting with the matze boxes (family pack). Passover is on the way. This year in Berlin, next year in Jerusalem. Maybe. The preparations awaken thoughts of Pesachs long ago. ...
InJerusalem,Blake portrayed the “sleep of Albion,” a figure for the nation, and it encouraged people to think beyond their limits. Jerusalem is a utopian idea on how mankind can live. Around 1818, he wrote the poem “The Universal Gospel.” In parallel to his poetic activity, his illust...