What about the hapless Henry Morgan, who had a habit of sinking his own ships? Did you know there were women pirates too?Anne Bonney and Mary Read were the most famous - they were tougher than the men. And what about Francis Drake? Some people think of his as a great military leader ...
描写秋天诗句(Poems about autumn) 描写秋天诗句(Poems about autumn) F8f The famous poems depicting autumn Autumn rain - tall buildings, as far as possible the evening, Indus leaves Xiao Xiao rain. Autumn, autumn sound sleep in hunting, with Jiewu leaves in riming. The autumn sound -- did no...
Fear not your ships,Nor any to oppose you save our lips;But come on shore,Where no joy dies till love has gotten more. For swelling waves our panting breasts,Where never storms arise,Exchange; and be awhile our guests:For stars, gaze on our eyes.The compass, love shall hourly sing;...
like an armada of ships sailing towards an unknown sea. As for me, I will return to the city, where my days and my fate await. Translated by Meifu Wang & Michael Soper 致友人书 甘南阿信 现在可以说说这些羊。它们 与你所熟悉的海洋生物具有相似性: 被上帝眷顾,不断地繁殖,长着 一张老人或...
Do kindly acts at time of need, Ere the chance be gone; Thus you will plant the seed Of deeds now unknown. Christian Good Morning Quotes Daybreak Poet: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow A wind came up out of the sea, And said, "O mists, make room for me." It hailed the ships,...
Didi was a dolphin and of all the sea friends and other Dolphins she was the most clever. When ships were lost at ... Read More Dedicatus Dedicatus was a Scribe and bookbinder. He was very talented and could make special book covers for the children’s fa... Read More The Unicorns...
Discrowned by man, deserted by the sea,Thou sleepest, rocked in lonely misery!No longer now upon thy swelling tide,Pine-forest-like, thy myriad galleys ride!For where the brass-beaked ships were wont to float,The weary shepherd pipes his mournful note;And the white sheep are free to ...
With Ships The Sea Was Sprinkled Far And NighWilliam Wordsworth With ships the sea was sprinkled far and nigh, Like stars in heaven, and joyously it showed; Some lying fast at anchor in the road, Some veering up and down, one knew not why. ...
Was this the face that launch'd a thousand ships, And burnt the topless towers of Ilium? Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss. Her lips suck forth my soul: see where it flies! ... Read Poem 5. Hero And Leander: The First Sestiad On Hellespont, guilty of true-love's ...