If we were in a competition for friendships, we would get a gold, Because responsibility and cleverness are the keys we hold. I met you as a stranger, took you as a friend. Ihopeour long friendship will never end. Our friendship is like a magnet; it pulls us together, ...
There are golden ships, There are silver ships, But the best ships , Are called friendships! Friendship Poem The best of friends, can change a frown, into a smile, when you feel down. the best of friends, will understand, your little trials, and lend … ...
Sheaves of a life-time gathered, Victories lost or won. No time to be standing idle; No time to be gazing back To the flowers we leave ungathered- We can not retrace the track. No time for vain repining O'er battles we have lost; Nor after every conquest To sit and count the cos...
Javits demanded an investigation into the awards committee, and as a result it was the last time the prize was administered by the Library of Congress. Controversial friendships, release Although Pound repudiated his antisemitism in public, Tytell writes that in private it continued. He often ...
Friendships Words spoken and not meant These over time can wear away the strongest metals Like a drop of water constantly dripping Cutting in ways not noticed Until ones foundation is weakened Dying a death of a thousand cuts Each one insignificant No greater sorrow then the loss of magic in ...
"There are different levels of friendships, some are half-empty and others are rising and over half-full. Some information about yourself is best never shared, not even with friends. A few friends are just a pain the ass, and not friends for long. Graveyards and landscape gardens, ...
QUOTES A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Poets The 13 Most Memorable Inauguration Performances Nikki Giovanni A Huge Shakespeare Mystery, Solved How Did Shakespeare Die? 20 Shakespeare Quotes ...
Short Poem About Friendships Strong And True in Short Friendship Poems Friends will come, and friends will go. The seasons change, More... Go To Complete Poem Featured Shared Story I like that this is about friendship because that was very touching. Friends are coming and going. Diffe...
Though dear her shores and circling ocean, Though many friendships, many youthful loves Had swoln the patriot emotion And flung a magic light o'er all her hills and groves; Yet still my voice, unaltered, sang defeat To all that braved the tyrant-quelling lance, And shame too long delay'...
Popular Poems about Friendships: Never Take Friendship For Granted Poet: Catherine Pulsifer Never take friendship for granted Realize the blessing it is It is worth more than money It is a gift of life, always. Friendship requires give and take ...