My dreams are numerous too, like a flock, and each brings its own comfort. Dawn, dripping with dew, floats down from the hills to the grassland like an armada of ships sailing towards an unknown sea. As for me, I will return to the city, where my days and my fate await. Translate...
There’s a ship on the sea. It is sailing to-night— Sailing to-night;— And father’s aboard, and the moon is all bright— Shining and bright. Dear Moon, he’ll be sailing for many a night— Sailing from mother and me; Oh, follow the ship with your silvery light, As father sa...
Some like to take a vacation and relax at the beach, while others prefer to go hiking in the wilderness or visit a bustling city. Regardless of what you prefer, traveling can be exciting or stressing, so we collected some quotes to express common and uncommon insights about traveling. Beauti...
Breasting the waves, my lungs swollenlike a ship’s canvas,night veils from me the long rollers,I ride their backs:I sense all a suffering vessel’s passionsvibrating within me:while fair winds or the storm’s convulsionson the immense deepcradle me. Or else flat calm, vast mirror there...
The maidens danced about it morn and noon, And learned bards of it their ditties made; The nimble fairies by the pale-faced moon Water’d the root and kiss’d her pretty shade. But well-a-day!—the gardener careless grew; The maids and fairies both were kept away, ...
something about a place mattered, ( matters ) so very much … Such inexplicable matter, and mattering happens InRock as GlossI placed, or rather nearly misplaced! this: not earth’s pull earth’s push he hadn’t realised the gravity ...
331. caboose- kitchen on the deck of a ship332. cabotage- sailing or flying to a destination that is domestic or in the same country333.cachaemic- having poisoned or dysgenic blood to be eliminated from gene pool334. cack- ***, worthless nonsense 335. cachet- mark of prestige, seal of...
One ship drives east and another drives west With the self-same winds that blow; ‘Tis the set of the sails And not the gales That tells them the way to go. Like the winds of the sea are the winds of fate As we voyage along through life; ‘Tis the set of the soul That decides...
not least because the holes in my mind’s ship are getting larger every day i will keep sailing until whatever end; i’m a survivor but i’m not sure that i’ll ever have the option to thrive rat race Photo by Matt Hardy ...