Get the entire guide to “I—Years—had been—from Home—” as a printable PDF. Download The Full Text of “I—Years—had been—from Home—” 1I—Years—had been—from Home— 2And now—before the Door— 3I dared not open—lest a face 4I never saw before 5Stare vacant into min...
Get the entire guide to “Howl” as a printable PDF. Download “Howl” Summary I The speaker says that he watched as the greatest thinkers of his lifetime were driven to insanity. They were terribly hungry, distraught, and naked, staggering through Black neighborhoods at sunrise, furiously...
In the first stanza of this piece, the speaker begins with a dash. This indicates a pause inspeechas if he was surprised by something or perhaps was contemplating something he didn’t expect to see. This is emphasized by the fact that the next lines indicate that the speaker “…thought ...
The speaker immediately creates a personified version of death by talking directly to it. He paints a picture of death as an arrogant being, and one who needs to be humbled. The speaker assumes the position of the one who must humble this being, death. He tells it that it ought not to...