In his1749poemTheVanity of Human Wishes, Samuel Johnson sounded a warning: “Wealth heap’d on wealth, not Truth nor Safety buys, The dangers gather as the Treasures rise. 塞缪尔·约翰逊在他的1749诗爱慕虚荣的人的愿望,敲响了警钟:“财富heap'd...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook found poem Wikipedia n. A text or piece of writing not originally intended as poetry, removed from its context and presented in poetic form as having aesthetic value. found poetryn. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright...
2010-06-13 - Church for Hire on San Jose 2009-10-11 - Every Good Bird Does Fly 2009-07-09 - Darling, You are Bad Poetry Deaton, Patricia Killian 2020-08-22 - Rain's Affront to Summer 2019-06-30 - After 2016-06-08 - Things I Learned Walking 2015-08-10 - Nine Summers In 2013...
parents who are walking with their children in their recovery journey. 以这首诗献给所有陪伴子女行走在康复道路上的父 母亲们。 [...] truly understand the scenes and feelings depicted inthepoem,because when they ...
We walk’d together on the crown Of a high mountain which look’d down Afar from its proud natural towers Of rock and forest, on the hills— The dwindled hills! begirt with bowers And shouting with a thousand rills. I spoke to her of power and pride, But mystically—in such guise...
walking together.. on the rivers of sky.. on the light wings.. of loving angels.. on the compassionate wind.. dancing around hearts warmth.. on the peace, holding the sun.. to give all that beautiful.. and gracious light.. on the colours of those hearts.. willingly chose to be ...
God’s love greeting us visibly, tangibly a living means of loving grace streaming outward, down on us warming our hearts on our walk outdoors walking together we pilgrims all on that dusty road in the many colors, those many shades of grace ...
(英国诗人 . P. B) A novel is a mirror walking along a main road .( Stendhcl , French writer ) 一部小说犹如一面在大街上走的镜子。 (法国作家 司汤达) Art is a lie that tells the truth .( Picasso , Spanish painter ) 美术是揭示真理的谎言。 (西班牙画家 毕加索) Humor has been well ...
walking together on the road where you led, so long ago Burning white hot within me wanting to spread the joy welling up within me, to bring more to you, through the words you give me wanting to spread the good news around the world ...
did, like gods turning in bed on Mt. Olympus. I think we both have long been (futilely) looking for Plato’s sphere but we can’t even find half an orange to piece back together, let alone imagine a future spoken out in syncopated syllables. ...