The path of sorrow and pain?! The destiny of a stronger, braver, less selfish person Than I? My bones are growing weaker by the second, My hope vanishing by the minute. The air is becoming thinner as I continue my journey, The walls closing in tighter around me with every step I'...
Explore different types of poetry, ranked by experts, on a range of different elements, such as themes, topics, time period, form, and more.
The speaker's rejection of nature here conveys her deep sorrow: so hurt is she that she can't bring herself to "s[i]ng with the singing bird." She is crushed, weighed down, unable to feel joy or to recognize the splendor of the world around her. While the speaker doesn't ...
pronounced sheejo, is a three to six line poem that follows a syllable formula reminiscent of a haiku, but sijo is far older than the haiku.Each line serves its own purpose: the first introduces the topic, the second line extends the topic, and the third line has a twist or surprise...
77The flush of the known universe is in him, 78Scorn becomes him well, and appetite and defiance become him well, 79The wildest largest passions, bliss that is utmost, sorrow that is utmost become him well, pride is for him, 80The full-spread pride of man is calming and excellent to ...
enough sorrow to keep her human, and enough hope to keep her happy. The happiest of people don't always have the best of everything, They just make the most of everything and everyone who comes their way. Nana, when you were born you were crying, And everyone around you was smiling....
In this short excerpt, Romeo is talking to Benvolio and his obsession with Rosaline. Romeo exclaims these words and concludes with the oxymoronic “loving hate”. This phrase expresses the possibility that love and hate can interact at the same time. One can feel parts of each. ...
I reach across the sea of sorrow and pull you towards; A dying man. A crying man. Something longing for both an end, and a beginning. I dream away this dream and settle once more to sleep. Once again, under a blanket of sorrow. ...
in Praise Of Older Women Rating:★4.3 Give me not Your nubile girls Experts on the course of life, Whose baby cheeks Unshadowed eyes Bespeak the fact They've never cried. Give to me A love of sorrow Whose flesh has known Fear of tomorrow; ...
Sorrow housed pale eyes. Gentle son remembered The loving hugs of dad And kind mom's scoff At dad when he came home Drunk. But the stern principal won't excuse Son's absence from college Devoted the son two days for caring; Caring the noble human virtue Noble human virtue is the ...