poem has 35 translations in 17 languages Jump to Translations Synonyms translations of poem EN ES Spanish 3 translations poesía (n) [writing] {f} poema [writing] {m} oda {f} Show more... EN FR French 2 translations poème [writing] {m} poésie (n) [writing] {f} Show more...
Kids Definition poem noun po·emˈpō-əm -im ˈpōm, alsoˈpō-ˌem :a composition in verse More from Merriam-Webster onpoem Nglish:Translation ofpoemfor Spanish Speakers Britannica English:Translation ofpoemfor Arabic Speakers ...
Middle French poeme, from Latin poema, from Greek poiēma, from poiein First Known Use 15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1 Time Traveler The first known use of poem was in the 15th century See more words from the same century Phrases...
Hi ! I wrote a poem in French and I want to translate it in English. Translating peotry is quite hard, so I'd like someone to tell me how it can be improved. The original poem sounds quite eerie and nostalgic, does it work with this translation ? It doesn't have to rhyme btw. T...
2. A composition in verse rather than in prose: wrote both prose and poems. 3. A literary composition written with an intensity or beauty of language more characteristic of poetry than of prose. [French poème, from Old French, from Latin poēma, from Greek poiēma, from poiein, to create...
French Version: À celle qui l’aimera ensuite, J’espère que tu le traiteras gentiment. Il est plus doux qu’un psaume et aime très profondément et aveuglément. Alors, s’il te plaît, ne profite pas de sa nature vulnérable. ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook free verse (redirected fromFreeform poem) Thesaurus Encyclopedia free verse n. Verse composed of variable, usually unrhymed lines having no fixed metrical pattern. [Translation of Frenchvers libre:vers,verse+libre,free.] ...
This paper aims at analyzing the translation shifts of a poem containing figurative expressions from Indonesian into French and describing the translation principles occur in the shifts. The data in this paper is an Indonesian poem with the title "Gestural Tubuh Perempuan" and its translation in ...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Dictionary Wikipedia Graphic Thesaurus🔍 DisplayON AnimationON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> prose prose poem Words related to prose poem nounprose that resembles poetry ...
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