INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE RECENTLY DECEASED (Poem).Presents the poem 'Instructions for the Recently Deceased.'D'ArcyBrunoQuadrant Magazine
From a deceased father to his daughter on her wedding day. I wrote this in memory of my friend's father on her wedding day. Featured Shared Story Love your poems. Having a hard time finding something from stepdad to stepdaughter from heaven for her wedding day. Share your story! (21) ...
aOur name was inspired by a poem written more than 800 years ago during the Song Dynasty. The poem compares the search for a retreating beauty amid chaotic glamour with the search for one's dream while confronted by life's many obstacles. "…hundreds and thousands of times, for her I se...
Note the language in this second quatrain—stumbled, heap, almost cold, dragged- it's as if the driver, the speaker, isn't too happy to be doing this and is treating the animal the same way he would a sack of stones. The last line, however, is the catalyst for what's to come. ...
then the gun is the acidic wit of the Dickinsons as inherited from Lucretia Gunn, and the owner, the Master, is whichever Dickinson is “shooting off” their mouth. As regards the poem, that would likely be Emily Dickinson herself. And in what manner was Emily best known for shooting off...
As a result, the mood of the poem will be turbulence and disquiet. Racial Inequality, the Background for “As I Grew Older” Langston Hughes (1902–1967), the writer of the poem “As I Grew Older,” was an African-American poet involved in the civil rights movement. He lived when ...
Even death has made her no less dear. Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use. Audio and Video Music: Trust. By Jahzzar. Performed by Jahzzar at theFree Music Archiveunder anAttribution-ShareAlikelicense.
‘Dark house, by which once more I stand’ by Alfred, Lord Tennyson describes the speaker’s night as he seeks out the old joys of friendship. The poem begins with the speaker describing standing in front of the house of Arthur Hallam, the deceased friend for whom ‘In Memoriam” was wr...
He had to keep walking—with me following—from the underworld to the upper world that felt like the past to me. He'd been cautioned that if he looked at me once, he'd lose me for all eternity. So we kept on walking. Both of us were silent. Ladies, ignore the story you're fam...
8The depth and passion of its earnest glance, 9But to myself they turned (since none puts by 10The curtain I have drawn for you, but I) 11And seemed as they would ask me, if they durst, 12How such a glance came there; so, not the first ...