I wrote this poem for my niece Penny. Penny was a beautiful woman who lost her nine year struggle with cancer in December 2011. Our family will never forget her; she was truly an inspiration to all of us. She loved her family so much and was especially c
My poem is a special Christmas poem. I wrote it for my niece and her two precious new babies. These two little miracles brought back the gift of joy, love, merriment, and cheer to our family's life after a period of loss and grief of some very special fa
My Niece/Daughter is getting married. My brother died in 2000. I have helped raise her from the time she was born. My husband & I took her in before he passed. I want to surprise her with this poem on her wedding day with a picture of him & I also bought a CD of Angel in my...
I cry because she was about to become an aunty for the first time and she will never meet her niece. I cry because she won't see her younger brother and sister grow up. I cry because I will never see her in a wedding dress or hear her laughter ever again. Does it ever get ...
A Poem For AuntieBy Brittany L. Briscoe Niece's Tribute For An Always-There Auntie Stories0 Shares625 Favorited16 Votes866 Rating Until That DayBy Chris Belden When An Aunt Dies Stories7 Shares964 Favorited16 Votes644 Rating Missing YouBy Danielle Anglin ...