My reading of this (my knowledge of Christian mythology is thin) is that she’s rhetorically asking whether the pine tree might not also be one of the “elect” or, in a sense,have a soul. In other words, she’s speculating that the world isnotseparate from God, a mere stage upon ...
If Shakespeare was an example to Dickinson then it was, as Nabokov wrote, for the genius of thought—his gift for figurative language. He shows all poets what poetry is and is capable of. And yet there are some similarities between the two poets. I doubt that’s because Dickinson closely...
Doing things in Gage's honor, helping others is helping me heal along with the love and support of family and friends. I'll definitely be praying for you and your family. I'm also asking folks for prayers. The pain of losing a child never goes away, but the Lord will lift us up....