Taught my kids: do naught they can do, for themself. Else pandered, spoiled, can’t/won’t help themselves Adults, to relationships, they bring empty shelves Teach kids to see, care, clean up their own mess Consequences later, divorce, no life-long redress. Show me a useless, lazy, (...
Here’s a poem I wrote about a five-year old pirate named Francis who, because of his age, was not yet very good at pirating. Notice that I repeat the same lines at the end of every other stanza, making the poem sound a lot like a “sea shanty” (a sailor’s work song) much ...
My mind is abuzz and my eyes are aglow. There’s no doubt about it. It’s perfectly clear. The time is upon us. The moment is here. I’m eager and keen for the action to start, and when it begins I’ll be playing my part. I’ll jump in the bustle and I’ll give it my ...
Baseball Books Beadwork Crafts & Hobbies Books Bedtime & Dreams Kids' Books Beverage & Wine Books Bibliographies & Indexes Biography & Autobiography Teen & Young Adult Books Boys & Men Teen & Young Adult Books Boys & Men Themed Kids' Books ...
If you or the kids have a sweet tooth, there is one store dedicated to cotton candy and two stores in the Sioux Empire with a huge selection of your favorite candy and chocolates. If you’re in downtown Sioux Falls, the candy I’m talking about is of the ‘cotton’ kind. It’s no...
I understand that the blog has been dead for a long time now. I dunno, kids. Every time I sit down to raise the interest needed to update the thing, I’m hit by the Stephen Colbert quote that forms the title of this post. I need to step back for a bit, and care less about ev...
Now, I know you expected me to say that, well, I just kick back in the rocking chair, fished a little bit, listened to Willie Nelson tapes and watched old baseball games on the Classic Sports network. And, tell you the truth, I have done that for maybe about five total minutes. ~...
then it ceases to be baseball. If there were no rules to baseball, tennis, or basketball, then anyone could play them and everyone could make up their own rules and everyone could be a Babe Ruth or Michael Jordan. For my own part, the first thing I would do is to lower the basket ...
MissBecky4Kids: 5 of 5 stars to Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis Greenbow19: Read how prescient C.S. Lewis was in 1959. FebsFriendFams:“Friendship is born at that moment when one man says to another: "What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . ."” - C.S. Lewis...
One day I will tell you how I really feel about you One day I will travel to the end of the world One day I will meet the greatest baseball players One day I will have to pay for what I’ve done One day I’ll have a cupule of kids One day I will make things happen One day...