League start & early game You should look at the vendor in the first town because there’s 2 important things to try and get in order to get a faster leveling experience during a first playthrough/league start. These items are: 3 link item (any) and movement speed boots. Vendors can st...
Another way players gain maps is to sell the ones they get to a vendor. Most of the time, gamers will acquire pieces they have already finished or are not needed. By selling three maps of the same tier, you will get a new one of a higher rank. Instead of spamming lower-level pieces...
You might as well trade the Mirror of Kalandra to a Town Vendor and get a stash an Exalted Orb or two, but it would be the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals due to horrific exchange rates. The regular orb price will never make trading with the vendor profitable. However,...
Vendor Recipes: Players can craft Regal Orbs according to different recipes, such as the basic recipe of 3 identified rare items of the same name with 20% quality to make a Regal Orb. Open Strongboxes: Killing creatures and opening Strongboxes will give you a chance to get a Regal Orb. ...
3. Vendor Recipes: Certain vendor recipes can provide Divine Orbs. One such recipe is selling a full set of rare items with item levels between 60 and 74. Another recipe involves selling a full set of unidentified rare items with item levels between 75 and 100. 4. Divination Cards: Some ...
level 50. Zana, Master Cartographer will also sell 20 Cartographer's Chisels in exchange for 12 Chaos Orbs as soon as every day. Cartographer's Chisels may possibly also be found in Artisan's Strongboxes. A single can sell any map with 20% quality to any vendor for a Cartographer's ...
The vendor also sells maps for alchemy.Orb of Binding will function as an alchemy for map rolling purposes.BindingsOrb of Binding: Upgrades items from Normal to Rare, same as an alchemy, while also adding and linking 4 sockets.These can be used immediately! If you find one that’s an ...
Maps: infos such as the 3->1 vendor recipe result, bosses, layout and possible divination cards Optional "Map Mod Warnings" when certain affixes are present Divination Cards: drop locations Gems: display the quality effect Calculate chaos value of other currency items with ratios fetched fromhttp...
there are other formulas that can help you get Divine Orbs. For example, the game allows you to get a certain amount ofDivine Orbsby downgradingMirror of Kalandra, but as the rarest currency in the game, the value of Mirror of Kalandra far exceeds Divine Orbs. Therefore, these vendor recip...
Complete vendor recipes to receive each of the following items. A vendor recipe is when you trade a specific combination of items to a vendor, not when you buy items from their purchase screen. Prismatic Ring. Recipe: 1x Two-Stone Ring + 1x Two-Stone Ring +1x Two-Stone Ring. Each Tw...