80% increased Physical damage if you've Blocked a Hit from a Unique Enemy in the past 10 seconds (rather than recently), 1% additional Block Chance for
Swords" + BaseType "Exquisite Blade" "Ezomyte Blade" "Lion Sword" SetFontSize 35 - SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 200 + SetBackgroundColor 80 80 80 190 Show # %D2 $type->rr $tier->t3axes2h ItemLevel >= 68 - DropLevel >= 64 Rarity Rare Class "Two Hand Axes" + BaseType "Despot...
☰ ❄️Menu☃️ Base Unique Gems Path of Exile Unique WeaponsALL Axes 1H Axes 2H Bows Claws Daggers Maces 1H Maces 2H Sceptres Staves Swords 1H Swords 2H Thrusting_Swords Wands 218 Shown Abberaths HornLevel 6INT 29 Damage 8.4-15.6APS 1.2Crit 7.00%pDPS 14.4DPS 14.4 (10-14)% ...