The main skill for this build is the new Transfigured Gem introduced in 3.23 Affliction League, Blade Blast of Unloading. Unlike the base version, Blade Blast of Unloading synergizes really well with Blade Vortex (BV). After obtaining at least five stacks, you detonate them using the new Trans...
we have access to Blink Arrow of Bombarding Clones which makes this build much easier to understand and run. While it does require you to farm lab for the transfigured gem, you've got two options early
only provide ranged minions when you have the Transfigured version: “…Of Ranged Arms”. This means that to level this build up using the same ability you’re expected to use in the end-game we will have to use the melee version of them till you get your hands on the correct gem. ...