Group: ConvertPhysicalToFire (22–25)% 的物理伤害转换为火焰伤害 圣战者的 71 (22–25)% 的物理伤害转换为火焰伤害 Group: ConvertPhysicalToFire (22–25)% 的物理伤害转换为火焰伤害 获得额外火焰伤害, 其数值等同于物理伤害的(3–5)% 圣战者的 68 (18–21)% 的物理伤害转换为冰霜伤害 ...
近战武器可以通过力量或者近战物理伤害(meleephysical damage)属性加成,远程武器可以通过坚铁之力(iron grip)受力量加成,但是不会受增加武器物理伤害(increase weapon physical damage)加成。装备、光环或者伤害转换提供的的XX-XX元素伤害,算是武器元素伤害,可以受到武器元素伤害(weapon elemental damage)加成。编者按:空手...
16. {0}% of Exsanguinate and Reap Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage Exsanguinate debuffs deal Fire Damage per second instead of Physical Damage per second Reap debuffs deal Fire Damage per second instead of Physical Damage per second 赤炼魔光 和 绝命之镰 的#%物理伤害转换为火焰伤害 ...
3.4 Fire Fighting Procedures Use water spray, dry chemical, alcohol foam or carbon dioxide fire extinguishing agent. Use water to keep fire-exposed containers cool, to disperse the vapors, to flush spills away from exposure, to dillute spills to nonflammable mixtures and to prevent the spread of...
Cruel quest rewards - changed to 18% Physical Damage for Oak, Attack Speed 8% for Alira.残酷难度任务奖励:Oak改为18%物理伤害,Alira改为8%攻击速度。Adjusted player spawn location of Crematorium map boss room entranceCrematorium地图中boss房间入口生成位置进行了调整。Marketplace waypoint is now safer ...
Such, father, is not (now) my theme— I will not madly deem that power Of Earth may shrive me of the sin Unearthly pride hath revell’d in— I have no time to dote or dream: You call it hope—that fire of fire! It is but agony of desire: If I can hope—Oh God! I can—...
CrematingBaseAddedFireDamage+19~25to39~45增加基础火焰伤害 ElectrocutingBaseAddedLightningDamage3~7to68~72增加基础闪电伤害 FlaringLocalAddedPhysicalDamage19~25to38~45增加物理伤害 后缀数值效果 AssassinAccuracyRating+321~400增加命中 RangerLocalAccuracyRating+251~320增加基础命中 GrandmasteryAttackSpeed+14~16%...
Check Out How To SetupRighteous Fire Inquisitor Build for PoE 3.22 League Starter 3 - Explosive Arrow Ballista Elementalist Difficulty: Average Budget: Very Low Mapping: Good Bossing: Great Defence: Good In POE 3.22, the Explosive Arrow Ballista Elementalist build employs ballista turrets...
Physical Golem Necromancer by GhazzyTV Spellsinger VD & Detonate Dead Necromancer by TbXie Monstrous Vortex Cold Snap Low-Life Occultist by TbXie Shadow Cyclone Cast on Critical Ice Nova Assassin by PoEVault Poison Blade Vortex Assassin by TbXie Ultimate Arc Mines Saboteur by PoEVault Essence Dra...
These, like the over-largely lettered signs and placards of the street, escape observation by dint of being excessively obvious; and here the physical oversight is precisely analogous with the moral inapprehension by which the intellect suffers to pass unnoticed those considerations which are too ob...