The Coward's Trial懦者的试验 咒怨陵墓 (暗金图)Room房间(如腐化房)level等级(如被X级Y辅助)Quantity...
Each offering also has a map modifier that provides additional rewards. Dedication to the Goddess “The Divine Font will offer additional corrupted gem crafting options” This allows you to apply the gem crafting options to corrupted gems.
As for trials of ascendancy, you can also makes use of the ”Trial of Glory” atlas passives that increase the trials spawn rate and have a small chance of spawning the improved version of Trial Ascendancy, which reward the upgraded version ofOffering to the Goddessfrom comp...
281 Unholy Damage(int_mission_dying_breath_aura) Enemies and allies around the corrupted undead deal increased Damage. damage_+% 282 Screech(sea_witch_screech_debuff) You have reduced movement speed base_movement_velocity_+% 283 Flesh Offering(offering_offensive) You have increased Attack, Cast an...
Dark_Dragon_Goddess,2024/05/01 Fun for the Most Part I’ve been using Poe for a while now, and it’s pretty fun. In comparison to Character AI, the bots are less imaginative in my opinion, but more detailed and descriptive. I think they portray a character’s emotions and logical tho...
Poe – Fast AI ChatRatings and Reviews 4.7out of 5 48.8K Ratings
Poe – Fast AI ChatRatings and Reviews 4.7out of 5 49.8K Ratings