最后,格挡流有大量装备支持,格挡项链/裸奔头/混乱斧等等都能提供大量格挡几率,AA盾更是可以让格挡角色直接站街;闪避流方面靠谱的装备就太少了。 2. 为什么近战职业天赋不需要增强伤害天赋(Increased XXX damage)? 谈及这个,先要说说Increased这类修正的作用方式。在游戏计算任何数据时,针对该数据的Increased类型修正会...
Cast When Damage Taken(受到多少伤害时施放) Support, Spell 无法直接施放。 减少70% 施放技能伤害(会随等级增加,减少的越来越少,也就是技能伤害会增加)。 角色受到 440 点(会随着等级提高,触发值也会提高)伤害时自动施放。 受到Cast When Damage Taken 强化的宝石的需求等级不能够超过 Cast When Damage Taken ...
2. 为什么近战职业天赋不需要增强伤害天赋(Increased XXX damage)?谈及这个,先要说说Increased这类修正的作用方式。在游戏计算任何数据时,针对该数据的Increased类型修正会相加后计算。假如你从天赋获得了100% increased火焰伤害,从装备上获得了60%,那么最终你的火系伤害会被加强160%也就是乘以2.6,而不是先乘以2再...
#% 全域暴擊加成 (#% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier) 增加#% 最大生命 (#% increased maximum Life) 增加#% 最大能量護盾 (#% increased maximum Energy Shield) 增加#% 火焰傷害 (#% increased Fire Damage) 增加#% 法術傷害 (#% increased Spell Damage) 珠寶推薦範例: 基本的珠寶:國際服/台服...
● Gloves: A rare pair of gloves with high life, elemental resistances, and minion damage. The best base is a Fingerless Silk Gloves for the increased spell damage. The gloves can also have a crafted mod of increased attack and cast speed or increased damage while leeching. ...
Since the build is basically a Power Charge stacker, there is no better weapon to use than the Void Battery. This unique Prophecy Wand gives you 25% increased spell damage per Power Charge. If you are able to raise your maximum Power Charges to at least eight, you will definitely feel ...
General and Weapon Specific Physical Damage bonuses have been increased throughout the tree.一般伤害和指定武器物理伤害增加了。Axe physical damage notable passives have been increased further than other weapon physical damage passives.斧主要的物理伤害被动技能比其它武器种类增加得多。Weapon and melee ...
CriticalWeakness(致命弱点诅咒)Curse,Spell,AoE,Duration 诅咒范围内的敌人,让他们更容易受到致命一击。等级需求:19属性需求:智力、敏捷每1%品质增加1.5%敌人受到的致命一击伤害 Discharge(解放)Fire,Cold,Lightning,Spell,AoE 消耗掉角色所有的充能(Charge),对附近的敌人造成元素伤害。会消耗掉PowerCharge、...
● Golem Summoning - Link Summon Flame Golem and Summon Stone Golem to Cast when Damage Taken for additional damage and utility. Equipment ● Maw of Mischief – This unique helmet is the cornerstone of the build, providing increased spell damage, life, and mana and a unique mechanic that caus...
18% increased Strength (implicit) --- +99 to maximum Life +68 to maximum Mana 20% reduced Flask Charges used 33% increased Flask Effect Duration 16% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate 17% increased Damage (crafted) --- Synthesised Item ...