The Crusader modifier for Gloves that provides increased maximum total Energy Shield Recovery per second from Leech now provides 15% (previously 10%). 圣战者的手套词缀,偷取的每秒最大能量护盾总恢复量提高#% ,数值提高到15%(之前为10%) Increased maximum total Energy Shield Recovery per second from ...
10% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate”(钴蓝珠宝,天赋点都是这个)“能量护盾的回复速度提高( ...
ES只要一段时间没被攻击便会自动补回。所有角色的基础值都是6秒,这延时可透过被动技能及装备mod中的Increased Energy Shield Cooldown Recovery来缩减。 另外,只要ES值未归0,角色便会有50%的机会不被击晕(stun)。 闪避 可别跟Dodge(躲避)搞混了。 闪避值Evasion rate是用来计算完算被击中的数值。 所有职业的...
#% 全域暴擊加成 (#% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier) 增加#% 最大生命 (#% increased maximum Life) 增加#% 最大能量護盾 (#% increased maximum Energy Shield) 增加#% 火焰傷害 (#% increased Fire Damage) 增加#% 法術傷害 (#% increased Spell Damage) 珠寶推薦範例: 基本的珠寶:國際服/台服...
Energy Shield: (90 to 108)Requires Level 52, 58 Dex, 58 Int(150-200)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield(0.4-0.8)% of Physical Attack DamageLeeched as LifeReflects 100 to 150 Physical Damage to Melee Attackers30% of Damage you Reflect to Enemies is gained as Life 本楼含有高级字体5楼...
Mesa赤红山地skill gem主动技能石increased增加(提高)Poison on Hit击中时中毒Awakened Burning Damage ...
Life +% nodes, and most Energy Shield +% nodes have been reduced.生命+%和大部分能量盾+%被减少。General and Weapon Specific Physical Damage bonuses have been increased throughout the tree.一般伤害和指定武器物理伤害增加了。Axe physical damage notable passives have been increased further than other...
Energy Shield (3-5)% increased maximum Energy Shield Evasion (7-12)% increased Evasion Rating Fire Damage (7-12)% increased Fire Damage Fire Resistance +(9-14)% to Fire Resistance Freeze Chance (3-6)% chance to Freeze Ignite Chance (3-6)% chance to Ignite Life (2-4)% increased max...
Increased Maximum Energy Shield: 10% * 1.03 = 10.3% You can have up to 20% quality. 7. Turbulent Catalyst Turbulent Catalyst adds quality that enhances Elemental Damage modifiers on a ring, amulet, or belt. Elemental Damage refers to fire damage, lightning damage and cold damage collectively....
8. Poisons inflicted by Sunder or Ground Slam on non-Poisoned Enemies deal {0}% increased Damage 大地震击 和 裂地之击 在使未中毒敌人中毒时,该次中毒伤害提高#% 9. {0}% of Damage Dealt by Ancestor Totems Leeched to you as Energy Shield ...