如果这个放到法术(spell)上,就算是法术伤害,可以通过增加法术伤害(spell damage)进行加成,如果那个法术是投掷物法术,还可以通过投掷物伤害进行加成。如果放到攻击(attack)上,由于目前没有任何武器混沌伤害的被动天赋点或者装备属性,这个伤害只能通过投掷物伤害进行加成,近战的混沌(chaos)伤害没有额外其他的加成手段。第三...
18. Holy Flame Totem and Shockwave Totem gain {0}% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage when Cast by a Totem linked to by Searing Bond 当由被 灼热链接图腾 所链接的图腾施放时,圣焰图腾 和 震波图腾 获得等同于#%物理伤害的额外火焰伤害 19. Killing Blows with Earthquake and Earthshatter Shat...
people on league starts tend to run it even in maps when gear is still scarce. It gives all attributes, increases damage and grants all resistances as well as additional rarity. What's not to love about it?
Weapon 2: Shield with 60+ to maximum Life, 2 Resistances and Craft Gain x% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage Helmet: 60+ to maximum Life, 2 Resistances and Craft x% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage Body Armor: 5-linked Base to craft 60+ to...
Gain 5% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage default 1 Prefix (105–110)% increased Spell DamageGain 5% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage default 1 Prefix (75–79)% increased Fire DamageAdds (15–20) to (30–35) Fire Damage to Spells default 1 Prefix (111–115)% ...
Prefix Warlord's 68 Gain (5-10)% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage quiver_adjudicator 500amulet_adjudicator 500default 0 Prefix Warlord's 75 Gain (11-15)% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage quiver_adjudicator 500amulet_adjudicator 500default 0 Prefix Warlord's 68 (7-9)% increase...
If your Barrier Evocation and Comet don't have level 19, you can place a meta gem, such as Maelstrom Glisten sapphire, which allows meta skills to gain increased energy. However, adding more of such gems won't help the build, as you need as much flask charges and flask recovery as po...
is why we use the second option: Essence Drain. Essence Drain does extreme single-target damage. Contagion is our third setup and does more damage and clear, as it carries Essence Drain around. You will use Frenzy with Barrage Support as your attack skill to procure all of your Chaos ...
Double-check if the amount and prices are ok, as we don't have a refund tool. Also, pay close attention to the payment provider you entrust your money to, as they may charge you a little extra.Ever wanted to get additional orbs for your PoE Expedition Softcore account, and to get it...
For centuries, Froissart's Chronicles have been recognized as the chief expression of the chivalric revival of the 14th century Kingdom of England and France.Read More > used in: The Spectacles avarice Greediness, excessive or insatiable desire for wealth or gain. used in: The Man of the ...