An Imax error occurs when a PoE capable port on the switch draws more power than it negotiated. When an IEEE Powered Device (PD) comes up, it gets classified into a class. Dependent upon what class a device is in, it is allocated a certain amount of Watts by ...
Face-to-Face: We will trade equivalent gear to you face-to-face, and then you need to sell it to NPC in-game to get Gold. You will get the exact amount of Gold you ordered or more. Note: 1. Accept our friend request, then join our party and teleport to where we are. ...
The output below shows a 'Power Allocated' value of 166W with 1 PD's limit set via autoclass [A]. If both ports' power limit were class-based, the 'Power Allocated' would be equal to 191W: awplus#show power PoE Status: Stack member 1 Nominal Power: 240W Power Allocated: 166W ...
For Imax errors, it is hard to determine the exact cause. In almost all cases, there is found to be an issue with the PD drawing more power, and the PD vendor needs to be engaged in order to investigate why it exceeds the power it has negotiated with the ...