16. {0}% of Exsanguinate and Reap Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage Exsanguinate debuffs deal Fire Damage per second instead of Physical Damage per second Reap debuffs deal Fire Damage per second instead of Physical Damage per second 赤炼魔光 和 绝命之镰 的#%物理伤害转换为火焰伤害 ...
Ramparts奇迹之墙Damage over Time持续伤害效果Block格挡Suffix后缀Awakened Deadly Ailments Support致命异常...
Calculate your skill DPS, damage over time, life/mana/ES totals and much more! Can factor in auras, buffs, charges, curses, monster resistances and more, to estimate your effective DPS Also calculates life/mana reservations Shows a summary of character stats in the side bar, as well as a...
Are you ready to take your Path of Exile gaming experience to the next level? With over 25 million registered players, it’s no surprise that minion builds are among the most popular […] List of Best Dot Damage Builds in Path of Exile ...
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12 Blood Rage(blood_rage) Taking Physical Damage over time based on Life and Energy Shield, while increasing Attack Speed and Life Leech. Killing an enemy refreshes the buff duration and can grant a Frenzy Charge. attack_speed_+% life_leech_from_physical_attack_damage_permyriad base_physical_...
Damage Over Time (7-12)% increased Damage over Time Energy Shield (3-5)% increased maximum Energy Shield Evasion (7-12)% increased Evasion Rating Fire Damage (7-12)% increased Fire Damage Fire Resistance +(9-14)% to Fire Resistance Freeze Chance (3-6)% chance to Freeze Ignite Chance ...
You can also try to get a belt with Mine Throwing Speed, or make your own usingEssence of Zeal. Once you get enough POE currency, you can slowly upgrade your gear. Since this is an evasion character, it has low health, so getting energy shields is also important. So we use Evasion ...
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Here, Poe encapsulates the essence of a deep, enduring relationship that has weathered the trials of time. The use of the word “grew” suggests a gradual, organic development, highlighting the natural evolution of their love over the years. The imagery of “Roaming the forest, and the wild...