近战武器可以通过力量或者近战物理伤害(meleephysical damage)属性加成,远程武器可以通过坚铁之力(iron grip)受力量加成,但是不会受增加武器物理伤害(increase weapon physical damage)加成。装备、光环或者伤害转换提供的的XX-XX元素伤害,算是武器元素伤害,可以受到武器元素伤害(weapon elemental damage)加成。编者按:空手...
然后我们就得到高阶强辅的BaseType为:Awakened Greater Multiple Projectiles Support,Class为:Support Skill Gems,接着就可以确定我们的过滤代码 Show #高阶多重强辅 Class "Support Skill Gems" BaseType "Awakened Greater Multiple Projectiles Support"Prophecy:预言名称,以命运连结为例,在编年史找到命运连结的名称:...
武器元素伤害 Weapon Elemental Damage:辅助攻击技能,武器造成的元素伤害总增25% 敏捷辅助技能(额外需求 +5敏捷) 附加冰霜伤害 Added Cold Damage:攻击技能冰伤总增25%,火电伤总降50% 额外命中 Additional Accuracy:(攻击)技能命中总增50% 节约弹药 Ammo Preservation:弓弩攻击40%不消耗弹药 寒冷撕咬 Biting Cold:技...
元素集中輔助 (Elemental Focus Support)(如果 5 連) 精準破壞輔助 (Controlled Destruction Support)(如果 6 連) 胸甲 受傷時施放輔助 (Cast when Damage Taken Support)「保持 1 等」 信念浪湧 (Wave of Conviction)「保持 7 等」 燃燒輔助 (Combustion Support)「保持 5 等」 號召(Convocation) 屍術矢 (Un...
The core skill of the build is Absolution, which is linked with the following support gems: ● Minion Damage Support: Increases the damage of the Sentinels and the explosions they create on death. ● Elemental Focus Support: Increases the elemental damage of the Sentinels and prevents them from...
Support 减少目标的对击晕的抗性,基础:30%。 等级需求:24 属性需求:力量 每1% 品质增加 1.5% 击晕时间 Weapon Elemental Damage(武器元素伤害) Support 造成额外的元素伤害,基础:61%。 等级需求:15 属性需求:力量、智力 魔力消耗:170% 每1% 品质增加 0.5% 武器元素伤害...
● Gems That Add Elemental Damage - Support gems like Elemental Damage with Attacks, Elemental Focus, and Added Cold/Lightning/Fire Damage could all add significant amounts of elemental damage to attacks made with the Maw of Mischief. ● Equipment That Provides Elemental Damage - Rings, amulets,...
Stun(击晕) Support 减少目标的对击晕的抗性,基础:30%。 等级需求:24 属性需求:力量 每1% 品质增加 1.5% 击晕时间 Weapon Elemental Damage(武器元素伤害) Support 造成额外的元素伤害,基础:61%。 等级需求:15 属性需求:力量、智力 魔力消耗:170%
[POE 3.4 Templar Inquisitor Blade Vortex Build - High Crit Chance & Elemental Damage] [POE 3.4 Templar Inquisitor Cyclone Build - Fast Clear Speed & Immune] [POE 3.4 Templar Inquisitor Molten Strike Build - HighDps& Map-Clearing-Speed] ...
is why we use the second option: Essence Drain. Essence Drain does extreme single-target damage. Contagion is our third setup and does more damage and clear, as it carries Essence Drain around. You will use Frenzy with Barrage Support as your attack skill to procure all of your Chaos ...