然后我们就得到高阶强辅的BaseType为:Awakened Greater Multiple Projectiles Support,Class为:Support Skill Gems,接着就可以确定我们的过滤代码 Show #高阶多重强辅 Class "Support Skill Gems" BaseType "Awakened Greater Multiple Projectiles Support"Prophecy:预言名称,以命运连结为例,在编年史找到命运连结的名称:...
Create your unique build through the new talent tree system and gem Poe2 skill combinations. Endless possibilities make every character unique. Comprehensive Database Access our complete PoEDB charm database, Poe2 skill gems collection, and Poe2 support gems library. Find detailed information about ...
poe 智力技能(IntelligenceSkillGems)Arc(雷光)Lightning,Spell,Chaining 召唤一道闪电攻击目标,之后弹跳到附近的敌人身上,最多弹射两次。闪电有10%机率造成震击(Shock)状态。等级需求:19属性需求:智力每1%品质增加0.5%震击机率 ArcticBreath(寒冰吐息)Cold,Projectile,Spell,Duration,AoE 射出一个寒冷的抛射物,...
Setup Skill Gems: Lightning Strike Trinity Nightblade Multistrike Added Cold Damage Elemental Damage with Attacks Ascendancy Nodes: Arena Challenger Painforged Versatile Combatant Gladiator's Perseverance Key Mechanics: Dual Wielding:Use a claw and dagger for critical strike bonuses. Lucky B...
Find the skill gems you need for your Path of Exile character, searching through all active and support gems available in the game.
219 Cold Beam(chilling_bond_in_beam) You are slowed and taking Cold Damage from a Cold Beam skill action_speed_-% base_cold_damage_taken_per_minute base_stun_recovery_+% 220 Additional Totems(additional_totems_test) You summon additional totems number_of_additional_totems_allowed number_of_to...
Support Gems: Ice Bite, Cold Infusion, and Glaciation. Wind Dancer Support Gems: Blind, Pin, and Lockdown. Hand of Chayula Support Gems: Conductivity, Voltaic Mark, and Heightened Course. Passive Tree Intelligence: 419 Strength: 311 Dexterity: 382 In this Passive Tree, every +5 node should...
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[Chieftain][Occultist] Scionic Flametank Scion Build With Scorching Ray In this Post, PoeCurrencyBuy will share Poe 3.2 Scion Spellcaster Builds with Skill Gems Blade Vortex, Essence Drain, Death's Oath, Icestorm, Lightning Tendrils, Scorching Ray For you....
In the game, the most suitable items to use Regal Orb are Maps or Strongboxes, because more affixes can bring you more additional effects and additional rewards. In addition, in some higher-level transactions, players can also use Regal Orb to obtain some Skill Gems, which are very useful ...