Chance to Bleed Support:25%几率造成留血,50-75物理点伤 Deadly Ailments Support:对异常状态敌人有50-88%more的伤害(元素,毒血) Decay Support: 技能腐化加强 造成Lv.1 234 ,Lv.20 1598 混沌伤害每秒,持续10s Efficacy Support :10-20% more 法伤. 15-24%DOT伤. 10-16% 增加技能持续时间 Immolate Suppo...
法术默认100%命中,只能通过法术躲闪(spelldodge chance)或者法术格挡(spell block chance)才能规避掉法术伤害。第二章第3节特殊伤害( Non-weapon non-spell damage)少数伤害既不算是武器伤害(攻击伤害)也不算是法术伤害,这也就以为这这样的伤害既不能够被格挡(攻击格挡或者法术格挡),也不能够被闪避或者躲闪(evade,...
Support for fossil mods in the crafting window. Including correct parsing for some mods that previously didn't work (e.g., 60% chance to deal 100% more poison/bleed damage) Add parsing for more nodes on the tree (i.e., Slayer, Champion, Berserker, Chieftain, Hierophant, Trickster, Assas...
20% more chance to Evade while on full Energy Shield, 10% chance to Dodge Attacks and Spell Damage while you have Energy Shield, and 10% increased Movement Speed while you have Energy Shield.
chance_to_be_frozen_% base_self_freeze_duration_-% 72 Conductivity(curse_lightning_weakness) You are cursed. You take more Lightning damage and are more prone to being Shocked. base_lightning_damage_resistance_% chance_to_be_shocked_% base_self_shock_duration_-% 73 Warlord's Mark(curse_war...
chance. Your weapon will be the 3 fizz or spell skill daggers and on these, you'll craft physical damage overtime multiplier which you'll use until you can purchase 2 cold iron points. On your amulet, you'll want to pick up damage over time multiplier and a...
obscure streets without object whatever, until at length I chanced to stumble against the corner of a bookseller's stall. Seeing a chair close at hand, for the use of customers, I threw myself doggedly into it, and, hardly knowing why, opened the pages of the first volume which came ...
Mobility: Shield Charge with Lifetap, Faster Attacks, and Fortify support gems. CWDT Setup: Molten Shell with Anomalous Cast When Damage Taken support gems. Gear Weapon: Prismatic Eclipse (Unique) for a chance to block attacks and gain Onslaught; increased physical damage, global physical damag...
Support for fossil mods in the crafting window. Including correct parsing for some mods that previously didn't work (e.g., 60% chance to deal 100% more poison/bleed damage) Add parsing for more nodes on the tree (i.e., Slayer, Champion, Berserker, Chieftain, Hierophant, Trickster, Assas...
"One day, having given my creditors the slip, and feeling more than usually dejected, I continued for a long time to wander about the most obscure streets without object whatever, until at length I chanced to stumble against the corner of a bookseller's stall. Seeing a chair close at ...