The fluoride content of dung, urine and milk of grazing animals, for example cow, she-buffalo, doe and ewe, was studied in the Podili area, India, (endemic fluorosis) and also in Tirupati (non-fluorosis) for the purpose of comparison. The data reveal that the fluoride content of the ...
The data reveal that the urinary fluoride is higher than the faecal fluoride in persons in the Podili area where there is endemic fluorosis. Along with fluoride, the trace elements, Zn, Mn, Cu, Cd, and Cr, were also studied. It is noticed that Zn, Mn, and Cu elements are more ...
Locales in the AreaMallavaram Village Mallavaram is a village in Podili mandal, located in Prakasam district of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. Mallavaram is situated 2½ km northwest of Parvatipuram.Podili Town Photo: Boggarapu Haranath, CC BY-SA 4.0. Podili is a Municipality ...
十五岁的时候,随家庭至加利福尼亚州马林县(Marin County,California),在旧金山海湾地区( San Francisco Bay Area)定居[1]。2001年,贝尔斯在Tamalpais High School读高中。 2004年,贝尔斯搬迁到加利福尼亚洛杉矶。 贝丝·比厄(Beth Behrs)从4岁起就有表演经验,曾在UCLA戏剧学院学习的她,大学期间就参加过Sandy Dumbro...