poder in English: 1. may She may come. I may seem confident, but I get extremely nervous speaking in front of people. My hands tremble, I get all tongue-tied, and sometimes I don't even know what I'm saying myself. I entered the shop, and a clerk said, "May I help you?" ...
in English: 1. power Power brings corruption. Tim produced a perfect alveolar trill for a straight minute. The rest of the Spanish class envied and despised this vulgar display of power. All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian, or Turkish, appear to me no other ...
SPANISH languageAMERICAN English languageLANGUAGE transfer (Language learning)ACHIEVEMENTIn this paper, we study the use of the verbs "poder" and "conseguir" among basic level learners of Portuguese as a foreign language. These verbs in context are discussed from a s...
This article provides criticism for the 17th century Spanish comedy dramas. The author considers the role of the Counter-Reformation in the rise in popularity of these comedies and comments on the reaction of the Catholic Church. She also analyzes the use of marionettes and puppets, with a parti...
The word mantra has two parts: "man," which in Sanskrit means "mind," and "tra," which means "instrument." A mantra is therefore an instrument of the mind, a powerful sound or vibration that you can use to enter a deep state of meditation. Silently repeating a mantra as you meditate...
语言:English/Spanish/Catalan 是否OA开放访问:开放 研究方向:SOCIAL SCIENCES, INTERDISCIPLINARY 杂志简介 SCIE期刊 Debats vista de Culture, Poder i Societat "is an academic journal that focuses on culture, power, and social relations. This magazine is dedicated to exploring the interactions and influe...
Spanish(English):Clement of Alexandria presents the Logos of God as a physician able to heal by means of his word the passions of the new believer while he is guided and instructed in the duties of Christian life. The principles developed by the Pedagogus, though they instantiate the ...
EnglishSpanishThe usefulness of the concept of power in Jacques Ranci猫re's proposal is analyzed. From his politics and police concepts, he intentionally excludes an active element, power, which explains the operation mechanism of both concepts. Hence, the effects of such exclusion are exposed ...
In the Spanish case, the construction of different regional identities, the search for authenticity through different formal parameters, and the confluence between music, lyrics, and iconography with a deep political background were essential variables, establishing parallelisms with other European and ...
The concepts of voces perdidas and voces de poder are used as a symbolic representations and reflections of oppression and power in academia. Seventy-four percent of scholarship across the world is published in English. The author argues the importance of publishing in Spanish as form of ...