SUBALTERNRESEARCH personnelIMPERIALISMVIOLENCEThe subaltern studies, especially those developed by South Asian thinkers, allude to the consequences of imperialism on colonized peoples, proposing a rewriting of history. In this theoretical essay, adopting a post-colonial perspective, the spe...
Pode o conhecimento em gest?o e organiza??o falar português?post-colonialismscientific productiontranslocalityscientific knowledgeenglish languagethis paper's objective is to question whether management and organization knowledge (mok) is able to speak a language other than english and discuss how the...
Revista de Administrao de EmpresasRosa, A.R. and Alves, M.A. ( 2011 ), “ Pode o conhecimento em gestão e organização falar português? ”, Revista de Administração de Empresas, Vol. 51 No. 3, pp. 255 - 264 . [] []...