TRY FREE The BBC's daily news podcast, Newscast dives into the day's big stories so you're never out of your depth. Newscast picks the brains of BBC News experts so you're ready if someone picks yours, covering the latest developments in politics in Westminster and beyond. Follow the ne...
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A malware infected game was released for free on Steam and delisted - but not before a thousand gamers downloaded and launched it. Valve recommends you format your PC. The creators of E3 have a new industry trade show, and seem to be doing everything in their power to not make the consu...
The Tucker Carlson Show is your beacon of free speech and honest reporting in a media landscape dominated by misinformation. The only solution to ending the propaganda spiral is by telling the truth. That's our job. Every day. No matter what. The MeidasTouch Podcast Ben, Brett and Jordy Me...
We have expressed our thoughts in a free way and all the viewers are free to express their views in there own free way . Speak Up 11111 What so ever you want . We welcome your thoughts positive as well as negative . Category People and Blogs Bhagavad Gita Hindi This podcast covers ...
Most podcasts sell ads, but some listening apps, like Stitcher, offer premium packages that either cut down on the number of ads per episode or omit them completely. But you can fast forward past the ads and keep using the free version. Read more about:How To Make Money Blogging. ...
You can download each episode as well as subscribe on BBC Sounds (all free, of course). Listen to BBC World Music Service Composer of the Week (Image credit: BBC) A more regular podcast this time, Radio 3’s Composer of the Week does precisely what it says in the title: each Friday...
Subscribers get early access to new episodes and can listen to all Dateline podcasts ad-free. Scam Factory You know those messages that you get all the time, the ones that pop up out of nowhere? They could be real, but something about them seems fishy. You likely dismiss these texts and...
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With this approach, you can have your students listen to English-focused podcasts that specifically discuss pronunciation (or accents) and provide different examples of how to pronounce English words. There are many podcasts available for free online that teach pronunciation in this way, as well as...