The podcast has been created specifically for children, so the language is simple and the speakers talk slowly and clearly. Pickle covers a topic in each episode and tries to answer different questions related to it. With this podcast, intermediate learners of English will be able to learn abou...
Official description:TeaTime Chinese podcast is a perfect resource for intermediate Chinese learners. Each week, we are talking about the Chinese language, Chinese culture and everything going on in China, all in a simple and comprehensible manner. If you have reached an intermediate level, yet do...
👉👉👉 Check out the Duolingo podcast for English language learners (for Spanish-speakers) here: Read the full English lesson here on the Go Natural English blog: ...
The home of the 'English Learning for Curious Minds' podcast, trusted by listeners from 189 countries. Learn about the world while learning English through podcasts. Every podcast comes with a transcript and key vocabulary so you can understand every wor
LANGUAGE LEARNING UPDATED WEEKLY Latest Episode Luke's English Podcast is an award-winning podcast for learners of English. Listen, learn and have fun while picking up natural British English as it really is spoken. Sign up to LEP Premium on Acast+ and add the...
English Podcasts bringing podcasts, quizzes, exercises, activities, vodcasts and blog articles to English Language learners worldwide. Listen to real Englis speakers talking about real subjects to help you learn English.
Podcasts in English are not just listening activities for efl and esl students to improve their conversation. The worksheets and transcripts provide valuable English language lessons for learners and teachers of English at all levels. Many thanks topartnersinrhymefor the jingle on our podcasts and ...
Founder of Keys to Literacy View Bio The Writing Rope: A Framework for Evidence-Based Writing Instruction Release Date: Thursday, January 26, 2023 Writing is a task as complex and multifaceted as reading—but it’s often taught as a single skill. Our podcast guest is Joan Sedita, the succes...
This makes it easy for language learners, regardless of their English level, to find something that interests them and practice their listening and pronunciation skills in a fun and engaging way. And because many podcasts provide transcripts or translations, you can use them to deepen your understa...
words featured in the stories, which are incorporated into the accompanying comprehension and discussion questions. Teachers can focus on one or more of these featured words as appropriate for their particular students. This approach can work especially well for elementary students and English learners....