How to Manage Executive Function and Working Memory Challenges: A Guide for Adults with ADHD with Peg Dawson, Ed.D. November 19, 2024 [podcast #530] Managing ADHD and Emotion Dysregulation with Dialectical Behavior Therapy with Lauren Allerhand, Psy.D. November 12, 2024 [podcast #529] How to...
January 22:The Neurodivergent Female Entrepreneur: How to Build a Business That Works for Your ADHD Brain January 28:How Sleep Disorders Impact Every Aspect of Life with ADHD February 4:Gap Year Pros and Cons for Neurodivergent Students February 12:Parenting Resistant Tweens and Teens with ADHD: ...
Brown Noise is a much deeper, fuller version of the popular White Noise, with a heavy emphasis on low-end frequencies. Its soothing, calming, constant tones are wonderful for helping adults and babies alike to fall and stay asleep, for study, for meditation, for managing anxiety, or for ...
But more and more adults are also being diagnosed with ADHD. Family physician Dr. Ainslie Gray explains some of the tell-tale signs you might be living with undiagnosed ADHD, as well as some of the ways you might be unknowingly coping with the condition. 24 min 31 JAN CBC producer Adam...
I have a heart for ADHD moms and kids. After spending years learning and organizing for other people I realized that there is a real need to turn the concept of being well-planned and organized upside down. It shouldn't be created by Type A, naturally organized people as a way to '...
Is Your Fire Burning You Out with Eric Tivers February 25, 2025 Eric Tivers is a licensed clinical social worker, ADHD coach, and host of ADHD reWired. He’s dedicated to helping ADHD adults live more intentional lives while avoiding burnout. Keep Reading » JLD chats with Jason Schapper...
Each Thursday you get to play a Trivia game with the Trusty Narrator! Have fun seeing if you can answer these three questions, Smartypants! 5 min 5 FEB What does it mean to have ADHD? How common is ADHD? What are some ways to treat it? Have you started your FREE TRIAL of Who ...
"SmartLess" with Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes, & Will Arnett is a podcast that connects and unites people from all walks of life to learn about shared experiences through thoughtful dialogue and organic hilarity. A nice surprise: in each episode of SmartLess, one of the hosts reveals his myster...
UPDATED WEEKLY Diverse Thinking · Different Learning, a ChildNEXUS podcast, is hosted by pediatric neuropsychologist, mom of two, and ChildNEXUS founder Dr. Karen Wilson. Each week, Dr. Wilson provides support and guidance for parents raising kids with learning differences. Diverse Thinking · Diff...
Marck, welcome to the Super Data Science Podcast. I love that you are on the show. We've been talking about doing an episode with you for a while, and now the stars have aligned and you're here. Marck Vaisman: 00:02:38 Thank you so much for the invitation. I was really, really...