DSP Chosen by Inc. as a Podcast That Will Make You Smarter, Better, and Wiser Several very cool things have happened to me recently: Held a successful golf tournament, the Southern California Charity Golf Classic where we raised $7,591.81 for charity. Named Chairman of the Board for the Ch...
Looking to make real life friends? The Liz Moody Podcast club has groups that meet across the world to dive deeper into episodes. Learn MoreGuest Form protected by reCAPTCHA Privacy & TermsLiz Moody Listen Now: Spotify Link YouTube See Me On: Instagram TikTok Pinterest Facebook Twitter ...
Podcast Podcast 99 – Toxicity and Support How do people justify toxic behavior in games and how can games support those subjected to it?
To be sure, cloud is a boon to organizations that make the leap, but, as with any technology, there are bumps along the road to implementation. In this episode, David Linthicum talks with Techstrong Group’s Mike Vizard about how companies can address three particularly vexing issues: multi...
Bhrett McCabe, we go over: What are the top two mistakes that athletes make when it comes to dealing with those injuries? Psychologically? Dad's saying you need to tough it out. You need to get out there. What's your advice for some of those? What’s your advice on a player that...
Melena and Geoff present the challenges and successes of Bosch experts and dive into a world that makes life smarter, safer and more sustainable. This podcast is made for people who love technology and good stories. Two weeks after each episode, you can get extra nerdy bits of KNOW-HOW and...
Developed by Paul Roetzer, CEO of SmarterX.ai, as his response to a teen’s suicide after interactions with character.ai A free tool integrated with ChatGPT that helps parents identify and mitigate risks associated with games, apps, and social media platforms. Includes areas on understanding ris...
Very smart people that make me laugh Stuff You Missed in History Class Short and interesting tidbits of history that will make you feel smarter. Freakonomics Radio The hidden side of everything The Nerdist -- good nerdy fun Slate's Spoiler Podcast -- makes me feel like I really get to ...
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With cyberattacks on the rise, it’s not enough to simply have malware-prevention and endpoint security in place—organizations need omnipresent detection and real-time response for threats that make it past protective barriers. Keypoint Intelligence’s Jamie Bsales and Nazar Tymoshyk, Founder and...