New York Times Travel in audio, weekly. Aftersight is a media organization that serves individuals with barriers to print. This podcast is produced by Aftersight under the Chafee Amendment to the Copyright Act which states that authorized nonprofit organizations whose primary mission is to provide ...
我听了一下 New York Times的那个podcast, 其实又是那种所谓的从kpop粉丝角度出发,去看BTS如何改变了kpop音乐。很多之前喜欢kpop音乐的人认为BTS带头唱英文歌曲,与英文语言的艺人合作,改变了kpop音乐的特点。但其实,BTS从开始就没有真的走kpop音乐路线啊 这个要说多少次,他们才会懂?如果BTS是传统的kpop组合,估计现在...
The Daily 是纽约时报(The New York Times / NYT)的每日新闻广播节目,也是我听的第一个广播节目。每一集大概20到30分钟左右,工作日更新,时间不长,利用每天的碎片时间就能听完。内容是讲全球各地的重要新闻,每天选择一个公众比较关注的主题讨论,并邀请这个领域的专家来解答问题。NYT在我心里还蛮有位置的,之前想考...
that’s designed as a complement to
The New York Times 2. 教育机构 The TED Audio Collective 3. 独立播客 个人成长 创业投资 哲学文化...
The Interview New York Times podcast: Behind the new audio show from the Times, hosted by David Marchese and Lulu Garcia-Navarro.
This week David and Marina of FAME Architecture & Design are joined by architecture critic of The New York Times, Michael Kimmelman, to discuss his background; the role of a critic; New York City; the evolution of the profession; the housing crisis; social housing; the value of architecture...
New York Times Tag:New York Times Episode 390: How Did the Pitcher Pedro Martinez Help Will Harrison’s Writing?Episode 390: Become a Patron! Sponsor love:Liquid IV, promo code cnf Want some suds? Visitathleticbrewing.comand use promo code BRENDANO20 at checkout. I don’t get money, ...
There’s a new voice of theNew York Times‘ “Modern Love” podcast: Anna Martin, a producer in the company’s audio department, who is taking over hosting for the popular relationship and dating series. In 2019, when the Times brought the “Modern Love” podcast in-house, column creator...
NYT The Daily是纽约时报New York Times旗下的一款每日节目,时常略长于NPR Up First,约为24分钟一集...