"My Favorite Murder" 413 - Learned & Forgotten (Podcast Episode 2024) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...
"My Favorite Murder" 418 - Assume It's A Masterpiece (Podcast Episode 2024) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...
1⃣️ Criminal:这是一档关于犯罪故事的Podcast,每集都是一个独立的故事,用生动形象的方式讲述了真实的犯罪案件。每集都像是一部小型电影,让人欲罢不能。2⃣️ MyFavoriteMurderwithKarenKilgariffandGeorgiaHardstark:这档Podcast由两位幽默风趣的主持人Karen和Georgia主持,讲述了他们最喜欢的谋杀案件。内容引人...
Amazon is getting deeper into podcasting after buying the advertising and distribution rights to the popular true crime podcast "My Favorite Murder." Amazon Music and Wondery will offer new episodes...
This is poignantly evident in the popular true crime podcast, My Favorite Murder, in which the acousmatic female hosts counter crime film and television's reliance on images of violated female bodies with purely aural recountings. Through their anti-ocularcentric reliance on the aurally evocative,...
Breaking out of the genre mold Exactly Right proudly embraces itsMy Favorite Murderroots, but the founders say the new network intentionally runs the gamut in terms of subject matter. Its website says it will feature “bold, creative voices to bring to life provocative, entertaining an...
“My Favorite Murder” Combining casual language with a dark theme, this true crime podcast’s name is catchy and reveals its focus immediately, appealing to a specific niche of true crime enthusiasts. “Freakonomics Radio” Utilizing the well-known “Freakonomics” brand, this podcast name indicat...
1. My favorite murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark | Spotify 单集时长:30min-2h不等 真实谋杀案件梳理探讨,也会聊一聊读者来信中提到的类似urban tales的谋杀案件或者悬案等等。两位主持人research到位,chemistry不错,消遣可听。 2. Modern Love | Spotify ...
在喜剧中心里的一个真实的犯罪播客可能看起来有点扭曲,但是My Favorite Murder成为苹果播客榜单上的一个常驻节目是有理由的。主持人Karen Kilgariff和Georgia Hardstark语言犀利,洒脱。当他们每周分别讲述不同的故事时,这一对主持人不花功夫地将无关的幽默与一个赋予力量的视角相结合,来纪念这些犯罪中受害者的经历。
像《犯罪迷》(Crime Junkie)和《我最爱的谋杀案》(My Favorite Murder)是关于未解之谜和悬案的节目,以悬念、幽默和同理心吸引听众。另一个有大量粉丝的播客节目是《美国生活》(This American Life),每一集讲述的都是美国普通人不为人知的精彩故事。根据该节目官网的数据,每周有超过300万人通过播客和公共广播电台...