Kubelet logs 原文: https://containersolutions.github.io/runbooks/posts/kubernetes/pod-stuck-in-terminating-state/#detailed-step-2
Observe the pod status, it would be in terminating state. Try step 1-4 if not reproduced. See the kubelet logs. Anything else we need to know? There was the same issue resolved for the nfs mount#114546 Kubernetes version $kubectl versionClient Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"27...
A Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Pod was deleted from the User Interface, but remains in a status of 'Terminating'. Stagnant terminating status can happen to a pod that is not responding to termination signals. Objective In this article, we are providing a process for Red Hat OpenShift...
kubenetes的pod处于Terminating状态的删除办法 情况如下: 通过查看日志没有发现有用的信息,尝试删除时却处于一直在等待中,强制删除时报错 因此只能从资源入手来删除该pod,查找该pod的etcd资源: 由于该资源中数据量很大,要查找很慢,所以就在vim中先输入该pod名称,然后通过shift+#查找该资源, 找到该资源后删除即可 ...
Detect-version job pod got stuck in terminating status after adding osd to the cluster Expected behavior: The new osds are successfully created How to reproduce it (minimal and precise): change the ceph image(Version 17.2.6)'s base image from centos stream8 to centos stream9 ...
Sometimes the Pod gets stuck interminating/unknownstate on an unreachable Node after a timeout. Pods may also enter these states when the user attempts graceful deletion of a Pod on an unreachable Node. In those scenarios, you can delete the Pod forcefully. ...