Pod GPU Metrics Exporter A simple go http server serving per pod GPU metrics at localhost:9400/gpu/metrics. The exporter connects to kubelet gRPC server (/var/lib/kubelet/pod-resources) to identify the GPUs running on a pod leveraging Kubernetesdevice assignment featureand appends the GPU device...
Showing 1 changed file with 0 additions and 53 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified 53 changes: 0 additions & 53 deletions 53 exporters/prometheus-dcgm/k8s/pod-gpu-metrics-exporter/src/server.go Load diff This file was deleted. 0 comments on commit 4bfe976 Please sign...
To demonstrate container-based GPU metrics, we create an EKS cluster withg5.2xlargeinstances; however, this will work with any supported NVIDIA accelerated instance family. We deploy the NVIDIA GPU operator to enable use of GPU resources and theNVIDIA DCGM Exporterto enable GPU metrics collection...
Exports metrics from cluster nodes and EFA. The package is a fork of the Prometheus node exporter. NVIDIA Data Center GPU Management (DCGM) exporter Compute node Exports NVIDIA DCGM metrics about health and performance of NVIDIA GPUs. With enable_observability=True in the config.py file...
- name: nvidia.com/gpu deviceIDs: - "0000:8E:00.0" - "0000:8F:00.0" ``` ### 步骤4:部署GPU监控服务 ``` kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NVIDIA/gpu-monitoring-tools/gpu-prometheus-exporter-1.6.11-render/deployment/daemonset-gpu-metrics-exporter.yaml `...
NodeExporterCollectorTcpStatConfig NodeExporterConfig OpenShiftStateMetricsConfig PrometheusK8sConfig PrometheusOperatorConfig PrometheusRestrictedConfig RemoteWriteSpec TLSConfig TelemeterClientConfig ThanosQuerierConfig ThanosRulerConfig UserWorkloadConfiguration 日志记录 日志记录 发行注记 发行注...
event-exporter [RepliaSet] fluentd-gcp [DeamonSet] Heapster [RepliaSet] metrics-server[RepliaSet] prometheus-to-sd [DeamonSet] 网络类 kube-dns [RepliaSet] kube-proxy-gke [稍特殊,类似DeamonSet] l7-default-backend [RepliaSet] 控制类
metrics 才能查看用量统计。 流程 查看用量统计: 运行以下命令: $ oc adm top pods 例如: $ oc adm top pods -n openshift-console 输出示例 name cpu(cores) memory(bytes) console-7f58c69899-q8c8k 0m 22mi console-7f58c69899-xhbgg 0m 25mi downloads-594fcccf94-bcxk8 3m 18mi downloads-594...
monitoring.cci.io/enable-pod-metrics 是否开启监控指标特性 true,false(不区分大小写) true monitoring.cci.io/metrics-port 指定pod exporter启动监听端口 合法端口(1~65535) 19100 高级配置 创建Secret Secret是一种加密存储的资源对象,您可以将认证信息、证书、私钥等保存在密钥中,从而解决了密码、token、密钥等敏...
一个自定义资源的例子就是节点上可用的 GPU 单元数量。如果pod 要使用GPU ,只 要简单指定其 requests 调度器就会保证这个 pod 只能调度到至少拥有一个未分配 GPU 单元的节点上。 限制容器的可用资源 设置pod 的容器资源申请量保证了每个容器能够获得它所需要资源的最小量。现在我们再看看硬币的另一面一一容器可以...