2,python client 通过https访问 C++ 的https server 3,C++ 的https server 搭建. 1,java client 通过https访问 C++ 的https server /// //参考代码: //http://blog.csdn.net/sunny243788557/article/details/38874153 //http://ln-ydc.iteye.com/blog/1335213 //http://blog.csdn.net/a351945755/article...
2,python client 通过https访问 C++ 的https server 3,C++ 的https server 搭建. 1,java client 通过https访问 C++ 的https server /// //参考代码: //http://blog.csdn.net/sunny243788557/article/details/38874153 //http://ln-ydc.iteye.com/blog/1335213 //http://blog.csdn.net/a351945755/article...
We partner with you to solve your most complex challenges through materials development, product and process design, machining, and materials testing. Innovation Together Because rapid innovation is paramount. Quality is critical. And collaboration is key. Together, we can solve your most advanced tech...
项目Github地址:https://github.com/ben-strasser/fast-cpp-csv-parser DevFrank 2024/07/24 4260 【C++】开源:cpp-tbox百宝箱组件库 组件库c++开源对象服务 项目Github地址:https://github.com/cpp-main/cpp-tbox DevFrank 2024/07/24 3460 C/C++ Qt 运用JSON解析库 [解析篇] 编程算法json JSON是一种简单...
GH#4831httpS server seems to not work in v1.14 GH#4828POCO_HAVE_CXXABI_H does not check for existence of header file GH#4817Windows Static Build Problem / Changed behaviour of POCO_MT (CMake 3.15) GH#4806Poco 1.14.0 now requires libatomic ...
项目介绍项目Github地址:https://github.com/pocoproject/poco 官网:https://pocoproject.org/ Poco是一个功能丰富、易于使用的跨平台C...以下是Poco库的一些主要特点和功能: 1.跨平台支持:Poco库支持多个操作系统,包括Windows、Lin...
Highly portable and available on many different platforms, from embedded to server. Open Source, licensed under theBoost Software License. To start using POCO, see theGuided TourandGetting Starteddocuments. Quick Start (with CMake) Prerequisites ...
$ git clone -b main https://github.com/pocoproject/poco.git $ cd poco $ mkdir cmake-build $ cd cmake-build $ cmake .. $ cmake --build . --config Release On macOS, it's necessary to tell CMake where to find the OpenSSL headers and libraries by setting the OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR ...
MY_LOG_D(std::to_string(uri.getPort()).c_str()); Poco::Net::HTTPSClientSession session(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort(), context); MY_LOG_D("TEST 4-1"); Poco::Net::HTTPRequest req(Poco::Net::HTTPRequest::HTTP_POST, "/api/testRsaKeyPair"); ...
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