ℹ️ Download the recommended PHP binaryhere. Assets8 12 Nov 12:25 github-actions 5.21.1 4a702b9 Compare PocketMine-MP 5.21.1 For Minecraft: Bedrock Edition 1.21.40 This is a bugfix release. Please see thechangelogsfor details.
如果没有安装,可以从[Oracle官方网站](https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase-downloads.html)下载并安装最新版本的Java。 **二、下载与安装pocketminemp** 1. 打开你的浏览器,访问[pocketmine官方论坛](http://www.pocketmine.net/downloads/)。 2. 在论坛上找到pocketmine-server的下载页面,选择...
PocketMine-MP 5.22.0Compare github-actions released this 04 Dec 13:39 5.22.0 ba6828c For Minecraft: Bedrock Edition 1.21.50This is a support release for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition 1.21.50.Please see the changelogs for details.ℹ️ Download the recommended PHP binary here....
Download the Automatic InstallerThen, chmod it to 0755 chmod 0755 PocketMine-MP_Installer_Alpha_1.3.3.shIf you're using pre-built binaries:Place the .tar contents on the PocketMine directory.Run the installer with -u, example: ./PocketMine-MP_Installer_0.XX -uThat will download PocketMine...
Github(最新版本还是点下面的Poggit项目地址吧)直链:https://github.com/PillarsZhang/PiZYDS-KeepInventory/releases/download/V1.0.0/PiZYDS-KeepInventory.phar 食用指南 已经在最新的Pocketmine-MP API-3.0.0 ALPHA 6中测试通过。 安装很简单,拖进/plugins文件夹然后reload一下就行了(有时候需要stop再./start.sh...
安装好php7之后,我们可以开始搭建PocktMine的开发环境。首先,我们需要下载PocktMine的源码。可以从官方的GitHub仓库(https://github.com/pmmp/PocketMine-MP)上找到最新的源码版本。将源码下载到本地后,解压到合适的目录。 接下来,我们需要安装Composer依赖管理工具。打开命令行工具,切换到PocktMine源码所在的目录,运行以...
Before starting setting up your new server you have to accept the license. PocketMine-MP is licensed under the LGPL License, that you can read opening the LICENSE file on this folder. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesse...
SkyWarsForPE是为所有Minecraft PE社区构建的生产标准插件,该代码已由Alair069收购,用于SkyWars项目/开发。 但是,由于该项目在自我隔离的环境中处于不活动状态,因此再次被带回开源,并且该插件将继续与其他SkyWars插件竞争。 我向您保证,此插件比以往任何时候都强大。 全部免费! 该插件目前处于测试阶段,此核心子例程中的...
PocketMine-MP Legacy repository This repository is no longer maintained and is kept for historical purposes only. Active development on PocketMine-MP can now be foundhere. Releases30 PocketMine-MP 1.4.1 "Zekkou Cake"Latest Mar 17, 2015
PocketMine-MP 5.20.1 Compare github-actions released this 31 Oct 14:39 5.20.1 94dff74 For Minecraft: Bedrock Edition 1.21.40 This is a bugfix release. Please see the changelogs for details. ℹ️ Download the recommended PHP binary here. Assets 8 build_info.json 676 Bytes 2024...