Colombia is one of the most inequal countries in Latin America, which at the same time, is the most inequal region of the world. Even though this situation is discouraging it is not new, the difference lays on the importance that this situation has been taken in t...
(2007). "驴Cual es el mejor indicador de pobreza en Colombia para la orientacion del gasto publico social?". Papel Politico, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 117-144. En: politicas/publicaciones/documents/5.Mejorindicadordepobreza.pdf [Octubre 12 de 2009]....
METODOLOGAS DE ESTIMACIN DE LA LNEA DE POBREZA ABSOLUTA EN COLOMBIA: UNA REFLEXIN doi:10.17981/econcuc.36.1.2015.28This article emerged as a response to the controversial figures published on monetary poverty in Colombia in 2011, according to which three millions ...
(2009). Pobreza y delincuencia departamental en colombia 2003-2007. Revista Facultad de Ciencias Economicas: Investigacion y Reflexion , 95-108.Sandoval (2009). Pobreza y delincuencia departamental en Colombia 2003-2007. En: Revista Facultad de Ciencias Economicas. Investigacion y Reflexion. ...
ARGUELLO, R., y ZAMBRANO, A. ¿Is there poverty trap in the rural sector in Colombia?. Bogota: CRECE Universidad del Rosario. Desarrollo y Sociedad. 2006.p.89.Arguello, C.R.; Zambrano, A. ¿Existe una trampa de pobreza en el sector rural en Colombia? Rev. Desarro. Soc. 2006, ...
Pobreza y subdesarrollo rural en Colombia. Análisis desde la Teoría del Sesgo Urbanodoi:10.17533/udea.espo.n54a04COLOMBIAURBAN planningCITIES & townsRURAL poorMUNICIPAL servicesPOVERTY areasPOVERTYPoverty in rural areas has been a persistent condition throughout Colombian hi...
Therefore, the objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between Inequality and Poverty in Colombia, in light of an alternative measure of the Gini, more practical and efficient. The data of 398,862 households from the National Survey of Quality of Life 2011-2019 in...
this paper exploits the long history of the minimum wage in colombia in order to see whether it has im-proved the living conditions of low income families and reduced income inequality. this paper also explores how the minimum wage may have distorted market outcomes in the process. we find ...
Impacto de los programas de transferencias monetarias sobre el mercado laboral y la pobreza en Colombia, 2013-2020doi:10.18359/rfce.7014PROPENSITY score matchingPOVERTY reductionLABOR marketSOCIAL policyDEVELOPING countriesCash transfer programs (CTP) have become one of the most popular...
The Covid-19 pandemic has increased poverty in Colombia, the country will regress years of progress in this area, to get ahead it is required to have adequate financing which is quite difficult. Traditional banks are reluctant to lend to the most needy, due to the low amounts the...