Calama. ltimo gol gana of his first film, to observe and understand the representation of poverty and exclusion in childhood, related to an extreme geographical area, such as the dessert of Calama (Chile,) and a mining sector reconversion as the economic background...
The methodology is applied to the case of Chile between 1957 and 1973. This research shows that in Chile, the temporal distribution of households' care has changed over time and that despite improving material living standards, the time people have for taking care...
In this paper we use such methodologies to produce consistent estimates of both rural and urban poverty at the county level in Chile. The results demonstrate considerable heterogeneity in local poverty, suggesting that future antipoverty policies must be targeted at the local level. Moreover, the ...
Agostini, C.A. Pobreza, desigualdad y segregacion en la Region Metropolitana. Estud. Publicos 2010, 117, 219-268. (In Spanish)Agostini, Claudio (2010). Pobreza, desigualdad y segregacion en la Region Metropolitana. Estudios Publicos. http://
B. (2005). Intersectorialidad en las Politicas Orientadas a la Superacion de la Pobreza en Chile: Una Perspectiva desde la Psicologia Comunitaria. Revista Acta Colombiana de Psicologia , 14, 5-18.Rozas, Ossandon, G. y Leiva, Benavides, E. 2005. "Inte...
Estado nutri- cional de escolares en condiciones de pobreza urbana y rural. Rev. Med. Chile, 123, 509-525.Ivanovic, D., Olivares, M., Castro, C e Ivanovic, R. (1995): Estado nutricional de escolares en condiciones de pobreza urbana y rural. Regi6n Metropolitana....
Finally, based on the approach to poverty, it analysis poverty in Mexico, Argentina, Brazil and Chile in the last decades.Barragán, Ernesto TurnerPolis (07176554)Turner, E. H. (2011). Desarrollo y pobreza en Mexico, Argentina, Brasil y Chile. Polis, Revista de la Universidad Boli...
Chile has made vast strides in terms of the reducing of poverty. However, some rural areas of the country display persistent indicators of backwardness and poverty. Socio-environmental conflicts and their impact on residents' well-being are among the defining characteristics of these territ...
De la huelga larga a la estatización: crisis empresarial y pobreza de ingresos en la zona del carbón (Chile, 1960-1970)doi:10.4206/rev.austral.cienc.soc.2023.n44-03POVERTYINCOMECOAL industryGOVERNMENT ownershipSOCIAL policyThe main aim of...
This article investigates the role of Chilean social workers in the production and application of knowledge about social reality in the 1920s and 1930s. It was a profession that scientifically investigated and intervened directly in the problems of the poorest families, but although...