The results indicate that in 2020 Colombia had 6 808 641 adults over sixty years of age equivalent to 13.5% of the national population (45.03% men and 54.97% women), of which 76.8% were located in the municipal seat and 23.2% they were in p...
2009. Densidad y estatus poblacional de monos aulla- dores rojos en un guadual, fragmento aislado, La Tebaida, Quindio, Colombia. Universitas Scientiarum 14: 8-15.Gomez-Posada C, Alvarez Z, Giraldo-Chavarriaga P (2009) Densidad y estatus poblacional de monos aulladores rojos en un gua...
This study presents estimates of population density and describes the social structure of the Chestnut- breasted Wren (Cyphorhinus thoracicus) in the Otun Quimbaya Flora and Fauna Sanctuary, Central Andes of Colombia, during a seven-month period. To obtain population ...
Objective: To describe the time trends of the incidence and mortality rates of oral cancer (OC) in Cali, Colombia between 1962-2007. Materials and methods: Age-standardized (Segi's world population) incidence (ASIR) and mortality (ASMR) rates for oral cancer were estimated using data from ...
ESTRUCTURA POBLACIONAL Y ETOLOGÍA DE Bradypus variegatus EN FRAGMENTO DE BOSQUE SECO TROPICAL, CÓRDOBA - COLOMBIA. (Spanish).(English):Objective. To contribute to the knowledge of the population composition and etology of the lazy bear (Bradypus variegates) in the Natural Reserve Viento ...
Caracterizacion de pacientes fallecidos por enfermedad neumococica invasiva en la poblacion infantil de Bogota, Colombia. Rev Chil Pediatr [serie en Internet]. 2015 [citado 15 de Abril de 2014];87(1). Disponible en: